Email Templates REST Endpoints

Notification/Email Templates
Manage email templates used for notification. An email template includes the localized body and the localized subject for an email to be sent as a result of a particular event. Replace, update, and retrieve an email template by uniqueId or use search/GET to retrieve one or more templates. Creating and deleting an email template is used only for self-registration use cases. You can't delete the email templates that come standard with OCI IAM. This REST API is SCIM compliant.
Create an Email Template
Method: post
Path: /admin/v1/EmailTemplates
Delete an Email Template
Method: delete
Path: /admin/v1/EmailTemplates/{id}
Get an Email Template
Method: get
Path: /admin/v1/EmailTemplates/{id}
HTTP Options
Method: options
Path: /admin/v1/EmailTemplates
Replace an Email Template
Method: put
Path: /admin/v1/EmailTemplates/{id}
Search Email Templates
Method: get
Path: /admin/v1/EmailTemplates
Search Email Templates Using POST
Method: post
Path: /admin/v1/EmailTemplates/.search
Update an Email Template
Method: patch
Path: /admin/v1/EmailTemplates/{id}