Identity Providers REST Endpoints

SAML/Identity Providers
Manage Identity Providers (IdP). OCI IAM provides cross-domain SSO capabilities via the OASIS SAML 2.0 SSO protocol and implements two modes of operation for Federation SSO--as an IdP where the user is authenticated on behalf of remote Service Providers (SP), and as an SP where OCI IAM delegates authentication to a remote IdP. As an IdP, OCI IAM can integrate with multiple SPs at the same time. As an SP, OCI IAM can only integrate with a single IdP at any time. This REST API is SCIM compliant.
Create an Identity Provider
Method: post
Path: /admin/v1/IdentityProviders
Delete an Identity Provider
Method: delete
Path: /admin/v1/IdentityProviders/{id}
Get an Identity Provider
Method: get
Path: /admin/v1/IdentityProviders/{id}
HTTP Options
Method: options
Path: /admin/v1/IdentityProviders
Replace an Identity Provider
Method: put
Path: /admin/v1/IdentityProviders/{id}
Search Identity Providers
Method: get
Path: /admin/v1/IdentityProviders
Search Identity Providers Using POST
Method: post
Path: /admin/v1/IdentityProviders/.search
Update an Identity Provider
Method: patch
Path: /admin/v1/IdentityProviders/{id}