Create and Activate an OAuth Resource Server

This section provides example requests to create and activate an OAuth Resource Server using the REST APIs.

Create an OAuth Resource Server App

A resource server application is a third-party application that provides services that a web application can consume on behalf of the user. The example below shows how to craft a request to create an OAuth Resource application.


If you are using the optional name attribute in your request, be sure to use only alphanumeric characters and the underscore ( _ ) character in the value.
echo "Create OAuth Resource App"
cat>/tmp/OAuthResourceApp.json << __EOF__
"description":"example service1",
"isOAuthResource": true,
"basedOnTemplate": {
     "value": "CustomWebAppTemplateId"
"scopes": [
                     "description": "photos",
                     "requiresConsent": true,
                     "value": "photos"
                     "description": "presentations",
                      "requiresConsent": true,
                      "value": "presentations"
                     "description": "documents",
                     "requiresConsent": true,
                     "value": "documents"
                     "description": "user",
                     "requiresConsent": false,
                     "value": ""
                     "description": "sample",
                     "requiresConsent": false,
                     "value": "test1.scope"

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token value>" --data @/tmp/OAuthResourceApp.json http://tenant-base-url/admin/v1/Apps

Required App Attributes for an OAuth Resource Server App

Required App Attribute Description
displayName Identifies the display name of the application. Display name is intended to be user-friendly, and an administrator can change the value at any time.
basedOnTemplate Indicates the application template on which the application is based.
isOAuthResource If set to true, indicates that this application acts as an OAuth Resource.
audience Identifies the base URI for all of the scopes defined in this App. The value of audience is combined with the value of each scope to form an fqs (fully-qualified scope).

Activate an OAuth Resource App

Use the following example to create a request to activate an OAuth Resource Server application.

echo "Activate OAuth Resource App"
cat>/tmp/OAuthResourceApp.json << __EOF__
        "active" : true,
        "schemas": [

curl -X PUT -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access token value>" --data @/tmp/OAuthResourceApp.json http://tenant-base-url/admin/v1/AppStatusChanger/<appID>