App Roles REST Endpoints

Apps/App Roles
Manage AppRoles. An AppRole is an App-specific role that Oracle Identity Cloud Service maintains for an unmanaged application. Membership in each AppRole confers some privilege within that App. See Working with Apps for more information on granting appRoles to an application. When requesting AppRole members, it is recommended to use startIndex and count to return members in pages instead of in a single response, eg : #attributes=members[startIndex=1%26count=10]". This REST API is SCIM compliant.
Create an AppRole
Method: post
Path: /admin/v1/AppRoles
Delete an AppRole
Method: delete
Path: /admin/v1/AppRoles/{id}
Get an AppRole
Method: get
Path: /admin/v1/AppRoles/{id}
HTTP Options
Method: options
Path: /admin/v1/AppRoles
Search AppRoles
Method: get
Path: /admin/v1/AppRoles
Search AppRoles Using POST
Method: post
Path: /admin/v1/AppRoles/.search
Update an AppRole
Method: patch
Path: /admin/v1/AppRoles/{id}