Search Policy Types




Query Parameters
  • A multi-valued list of strings indicating the return type of attribute definition. The specified set of attributes can be fetched by the return type of the attribute. One or more values can be given together to fetch more than one group of attributes. If "attributes" query parameter is also available, union of the two is fetched. Valid values - all, always, never, request, default. Values are case-insensitive.
    Allowed Values: [ "all", "always", "never", "request", "default" ]
  • A comma-delimited string that specifies the names of resource attributes that should be returned in the response. By default, a response that contains resource attributes contains only attributes that are defined in the schema for that resource type as returned=always or returned=default. An attribute that is defined as returned=request is returned in a response only if the request specifies its name in the value of this query parameter. If a request specifies this query parameter, the response contains the attributes that this query parameter specifies, as well as any attribute that is defined as returned=always.
  • Maximum Value: 1000
    OPTIONAL. An integer that indicates the desired maximum number of query results per page. 1000 is the largest value that you can use. See the Pagination section of the System for Cross-Domain Identity Management Protocol specification for more information. (Section
    Default Value: 50
  • OPTIONAL. The filter string that is used to request a subset of resources. See the Using the Filter Query Parameter section of the Query Parameters page in Get Started. The filter string MUST be a valid filter expression. See the Filtering section of the SCIM specification for more information (Section The string should contain at least one condition that each item must match in order to be returned in the search results. Each condition specifies an attribute, an operator, and a value. Conditions within a filter can be connected by logical operators (such as AND and OR). Sets of conditions can be grouped together using parentheses.
  • OPTIONAL. A string that indicates the attribute whose value SHALL be used to order the returned responses. The sortBy attribute MUST be in standard attribute notation form. See the Attribute Notation section of the SCIM specification for more information (Section 3.10). Also, see the Sorting section of the SCIM specification for more information (Section
    Default Value: id
  • OPTIONAL. A string that indicates the order in which the sortBy parameter is applied. Allowed values are 'ascending' and 'descending'. See the Sorting section of the SCIM specification for more information (Section
    Default Value: ascending
  • OPTIONAL. An integer that indicates the 1-based index of the first query result. See the Pagination section of the SCIM specification for more information. (Section The number of results pages to return. The first page is 1. Specify 2 to access the second page of results, and so on.
    Default Value: 1
Header Parameters
  • The Authorization field value consists of credentials containing the authentication information of the user agent for the realm of the resource being requested.
  • An endpoint-specific schema version number to use in the Request. Allowed version values are Earliest Version or Latest Version as specified in each REST API endpoint description, or any sequential number inbetween. All schema attributes/body parameters are a part of version 1. After version 1, any attributes added or deprecated will be tagged with the version that they were added to or deprecated in. If no version is provided, the latest schema version is returned.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The request was successful.
Body ()
Root Schema : PolicyType-ListResponse
Type: object
The SCIM protocol defines a standard set of query parameters that can be used to filter, sort, and paginate to return zero or more resources in a query response. Queries MAY be made against a single resource or a resource type endpoint (e.g., /Users), or the service provider Base URI.
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  • The number of resources returned in a list response page. REQUIRED when partial results returned due to pagination.
  • Resources
    A multi-valued list of complex objects containing the requested resources. This MAY be a subset of the full set of resources if pagination is requested. REQUIRED if "totalResults" is non-zero.
  • schemas
    The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior. REQUIRED.
  • The 1-based index of the first result in the current set of list results. REQUIRED when partial results returned due to pagination.
  • The total number of results returned by the list or query operation. The value may be larger than the number of resources returned such as when returning a single page of results where multiple pages are available. REQUIRED.
Nested Schema : Resources
Type: array
A multi-valued list of complex objects containing the requested resources. This MAY be a subset of the full set of resources if pagination is requested. REQUIRED if "totalResults" is non-zero.
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Nested Schema : schemas
Type: array
The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior. REQUIRED.
Allowed Values: [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse" ]
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Nested Schema : PolicyType
Type: object
Policy Type resource. Common configuration for groups of policies.
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  • allowedFunctions
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: true
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Functions that can be used in the conditions in rules of this policy type.
  • allowedReturnPathElements
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsCompositeKey: [name, type]
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: true
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: complex
    • uniqueness: none
    Resources or Attributes that can be used in the keys of return values map.
  • allowedTopPathElements
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsCompositeKey: [name, type]
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: true
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: complex
    • uniqueness: none
    Name of resource type or attribute.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Can there be multiple return attributes
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Flags if the output should be automatically generated from the input. Defaults to False.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Can the policy be a Groovy script.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Can the return values in a rule be a Groovy script.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Can the rule be a Groovy script.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    OCI Compartment Id (ocid) in which the resource lives.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    A boolean flag indicating this resource in the process of being deleted. Usually set to true when synchronous deletion of the resource would take too long.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 256
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Policy Type Description
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    OCI Domain Id (ocid) in which the resource lives.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    An identifier for the Resource as defined by the Service Consumer. The externalId may simplify identification of the Resource between Service Consumer and Service provider by allowing the Consumer to refer to the Resource with its own identifier, obviating the need to store a local mapping between the local identifier of the Resource and the identifier used by the Service Provider. Each Resource MAY include a non-empty externalId value. The value of the externalId attribute is always issued be the Service Consumer and can never be specified by the Service Provider. The Service Provider MUST always interpret the externalId as scoped to the Service Consumer's tenant.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: always
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: global
    Unique identifier for the SCIM Resource as defined by the Service Provider. Each representation of the Resource MUST include a non-empty id value. This identifier MUST be unique across the Service Provider's entire set of Resources. It MUST be a stable, non-reassignable identifier that does not change when the same Resource is returned in subsequent requests. The value of the id attribute is always issued by the Service Provider and MUST never be specified by the Service Consumer. bulkId: is a reserved keyword and MUST NOT be used in the unique identifier.
  • idcsCreatedBy
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: complex
    The User or App who created the Resource
  • idcsLastModifiedBy
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: complex
    The User or App who modified the Resource
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: request
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The release number when the resource was upgraded.
  • idcsPreventedOperations
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: true
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: request
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Each value of this attribute specifies an operation that only an internal client may perform on this particular resource.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Shows if the policy type is locked
  • meta
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • idcsCsvAttributeNameMappings: [[columnHeaderName:Created Date, mapsTo:meta.created]]
    • type: complex
    A complex attribute that contains resource metadata. All sub-attributes are OPTIONAL.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 256
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: always
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: global
    Policy Type name
  • Maximum Length: 255
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: true
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: immutable
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: global
    Unique OCI identifier for the SCIM Resource.
  • operationsThatTrigger
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: true
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Set of operations on which policies of this type can be evaluated.
  • resourceTypesCanBeAssignedTo
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: true
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    ResourceTypes that can hold a reference to a policy of this type.
  • schemas
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: true
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    REQUIRED. The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for User, Group, and a standard \"enterprise\" extension. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Should OR condition be short circuited, i.e. should policy evaluation be stopped when one condition matches and skipping the rest.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Stop evaluation of a policy of this type, when rule with deny effect in the policy evaluates to true, skipping others.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Stop evaluation of a policy of this type, when one rule in the policy evaluates to true, skipping others.
  • tags
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsCompositeKey: [key, value]
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: true
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: request
    • type: complex
    • uniqueness: none
    A list of tags on this resource.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    OCI Tenant Id (ocid) in which the resource lives.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 4000
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Rule Validation Handler Name
Nested Schema : allowedFunctions
Type: array
SCIM++ Properties:
  • idcsSearchable: false
  • multiValued: true
  • mutability: readWrite
  • required: false
  • returned: default
  • type: string
  • uniqueness: none
Functions that can be used in the conditions in rules of this policy type.
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Nested Schema : allowedReturnPathElements
Type: array
SCIM++ Properties:
  • idcsCompositeKey: [name, type]
  • idcsSearchable: false
  • multiValued: true
  • mutability: readWrite
  • required: true
  • returned: default
  • type: complex
  • uniqueness: none
Resources or Attributes that can be used in the keys of return values map.
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Nested Schema : allowedTopPathElements
Type: array
SCIM++ Properties:
  • idcsCompositeKey: [name, type]
  • idcsSearchable: false
  • multiValued: true
  • mutability: readWrite
  • required: true
  • returned: default
  • type: complex
  • uniqueness: none
Name of resource type or attribute.
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Nested Schema : idcsCreatedBy
Type: object
SCIM++ Properties:
  • idcsSearchable: true
  • multiValued: false
  • mutability: readOnly
  • required: true
  • returned: default
  • type: complex
The User or App who created the Resource
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  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: true
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: reference
    • uniqueness: none
    The URI of the SCIM resource that represents the User or App who created this Resource
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: true
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The displayName of the User or App who created this Resource
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: true
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The OCID of the SCIM resource that represents the User or App who created this Resource
  • Allowed Values: [ "User", "App" ]
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The type of resource, User or App, that created this Resource
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: true
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The ID of the SCIM resource that represents the User or App who created this Resource
Nested Schema : idcsLastModifiedBy
Type: object
SCIM++ Properties:
  • idcsSearchable: true
  • multiValued: false
  • mutability: readOnly
  • required: false
  • returned: default
  • type: complex
The User or App who modified the Resource
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  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: true
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: reference
    • uniqueness: none
    The URI of the SCIM resource that represents the User or App who modified this Resource
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: true
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The displayName of the User or App who modified this Resource
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: true
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The OCID of the SCIM resource that represents the User or App who modified this Resource
  • Allowed Values: [ "User", "App" ]
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The type of resource, User or App, that modified this Resource
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: true
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The ID of the SCIM resource that represents the User or App who modified this Resource
Nested Schema : idcsPreventedOperations
Type: array
SCIM++ Properties:
  • idcsSearchable: false
  • multiValued: true
  • mutability: readOnly
  • required: false
  • returned: request
  • type: string
  • uniqueness: none
Each value of this attribute specifies an operation that only an internal client may perform on this particular resource.
Allowed Values: [ "replace", "update", "delete" ]
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Nested Schema : meta
Type: object
SCIM++ Properties:
  • caseExact: false
  • idcsSearchable: true
  • multiValued: false
  • mutability: readOnly
  • required: false
  • returned: default
  • idcsCsvAttributeNameMappings: [[columnHeaderName:Created Date, mapsTo:meta.created]]
  • type: complex
A complex attribute that contains resource metadata. All sub-attributes are OPTIONAL.
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  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: dateTime
    • uniqueness: none
    The DateTime the Resource was added to the Service Provider
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: dateTime
    • uniqueness: none
    The most recent DateTime that the details of this Resource were updated at the Service Provider. If this Resource has never been modified since its initial creation, the value MUST be the same as the value of created. The attribute MUST be a DateTime.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The URI of the Resource being returned. This value MUST be the same as the Location HTTP response header.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Name of the resource type of the resource--for example, Users or Groups
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readOnly
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    The version of the Resource being returned. This value must be the same as the ETag HTTP response header.
Nested Schema : operationsThatTrigger
Type: array
SCIM++ Properties:
  • idcsSearchable: false
  • multiValued: true
  • mutability: readWrite
  • required: true
  • returned: default
  • type: string
  • uniqueness: none
Set of operations on which policies of this type can be evaluated.
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Nested Schema : resourceTypesCanBeAssignedTo
Type: array
SCIM++ Properties:
  • idcsSearchable: false
  • multiValued: true
  • mutability: readWrite
  • required: false
  • returned: default
  • type: string
  • uniqueness: none
ResourceTypes that can hold a reference to a policy of this type.
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Nested Schema : schemas
Type: array
SCIM++ Properties:
  • caseExact: false
  • idcsSearchable: false
  • multiValued: true
  • mutability: readWrite
  • required: true
  • returned: default
  • type: string
  • uniqueness: none
REQUIRED. The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for User, Group, and a standard \"enterprise\" extension. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior.
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Nested Schema : tags
Type: array
SCIM++ Properties:
  • idcsCompositeKey: [key, value]
  • idcsSearchable: true
  • multiValued: true
  • mutability: readWrite
  • required: false
  • returned: request
  • type: complex
  • uniqueness: none
A list of tags on this resource.
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Nested Schema : allowedReturnPathElements
Type: object
Resources or Attributes that can be used in the keys of return values map.
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  • Allowed Values: [ "string", "boolean", "integer", "long", "dateTime", "list" ]
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    If the path element is of attribute type, then the data type of the attribute. Eg. string, datetime.
  • Added In: 17.4.2

    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Indicates the attribute's plurality.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Name of the Resource Type or Attribute.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Required if the path element is of ResourceType. E.g.User, Group
  • Allowed Values: [ "attribute", "resourceType" ]
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Type of path element. Can be Resource Type or Attribute.
Nested Schema : allowedTopPathElements
Type: object
Name of resource type or attribute.
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  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    If the path element is of attribute type, specifies the name of the class that will be invoked by policy engine at run time to fetch the value of the attribute
  • Allowed Values: [ "string", "boolean", "integer", "dateTime" ]
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    If the path element is of attribute type, then the data type of the attribute. Eg. string, datetime.
  • Added In: 17.4.2

    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: boolean
    • uniqueness: none
    Indicates the attribute's plurality.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Name of the resourceType or attribute.
  • SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: false
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Required if the path element is of resourceType. E.g. User, Group
  • Allowed Values: [ "attribute", "resourceType", "resourceId" ]
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • idcsSearchable: false
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Type of path element. Can be Resource Type or Attribute.
Nested Schema : tags
Type: object
A list of tags on this resource.
Show Source
  • Maximum Length: 256
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Key or name of the tag.
  • Maximum Length: 256
    SCIM++ Properties:
    • caseExact: false
    • idcsSearchable: true
    • multiValued: false
    • mutability: readWrite
    • required: true
    • returned: default
    • type: string
    • uniqueness: none
    Value of the tag.

400 Response

Bad or invalid request
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
The SCIM Protocol uses the HTTP status response status codes defined in Section 6 [RFC7231] to indicate operation success or failure. Refer the available status codes here : Status Codes.
In addition to returning a HTTP response code implementers MUST return the errors in the body of the response in the client requested format containing the error response and, per the HTTP specification, human- readable explanations.
Show Source
  • A detailed, human readable message. OPTIONAL
  • schemas
    The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for SCIM specified Error and Extn Error Schema. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior. REQUIRED.
  • The HTTP status code (see Section 6 [RFC7231]) expressed as a JSON String
  • urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error
    Extension schema for error messages providing more details with the exception status.
    Returns messageId corresponding to the detailed error message and optionally additional data related to the error condition - for example reason for authentication failure such as user is disabled or locked.
Nested Schema : schemas
Type: array
The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for SCIM specified Error and Extn Error Schema. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior. REQUIRED.
Allowed Values: [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error", "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error" ]
Show Source
Nested Schema : urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error
Type: object
Extension schema for error messages providing more details with the exception status.
Returns messageId corresponding to the detailed error message and optionally additional data related to the error condition - for example reason for authentication failure such as user is disabled or locked.
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalData
Type: object
Contains Map based additional data for the exception message (as key-value pair). All keys and values are in string format.

401 Response

The supplied credentials, if any, are not sufficient to access the resource.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
The SCIM Protocol uses the HTTP status response status codes defined in Section 6 [RFC7231] to indicate operation success or failure. Refer the available status codes here : Status Codes.
In addition to returning a HTTP response code implementers MUST return the errors in the body of the response in the client requested format containing the error response and, per the HTTP specification, human- readable explanations.
Show Source
  • A detailed, human readable message. OPTIONAL
  • schemas
    The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for SCIM specified Error and Extn Error Schema. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior. REQUIRED.
  • The HTTP status code (see Section 6 [RFC7231]) expressed as a JSON String
  • urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error
    Extension schema for error messages providing more details with the exception status.
    Returns messageId corresponding to the detailed error message and optionally additional data related to the error condition - for example reason for authentication failure such as user is disabled or locked.
Nested Schema : schemas
Type: array
The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for SCIM specified Error and Extn Error Schema. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior. REQUIRED.
Allowed Values: [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error", "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error" ]
Show Source
Nested Schema : urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error
Type: object
Extension schema for error messages providing more details with the exception status.
Returns messageId corresponding to the detailed error message and optionally additional data related to the error condition - for example reason for authentication failure such as user is disabled or locked.
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalData
Type: object
Contains Map based additional data for the exception message (as key-value pair). All keys and values are in string format.

404 Response

The requested resource could not be found.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
The SCIM Protocol uses the HTTP status response status codes defined in Section 6 [RFC7231] to indicate operation success or failure. Refer the available status codes here : Status Codes.
In addition to returning a HTTP response code implementers MUST return the errors in the body of the response in the client requested format containing the error response and, per the HTTP specification, human- readable explanations.
Show Source
  • A detailed, human readable message. OPTIONAL
  • schemas
    The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for SCIM specified Error and Extn Error Schema. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior. REQUIRED.
  • The HTTP status code (see Section 6 [RFC7231]) expressed as a JSON String
  • urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error
    Extension schema for error messages providing more details with the exception status.
    Returns messageId corresponding to the detailed error message and optionally additional data related to the error condition - for example reason for authentication failure such as user is disabled or locked.
Nested Schema : schemas
Type: array
The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for SCIM specified Error and Extn Error Schema. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior. REQUIRED.
Allowed Values: [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error", "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error" ]
Show Source
Nested Schema : urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error
Type: object
Extension schema for error messages providing more details with the exception status.
Returns messageId corresponding to the detailed error message and optionally additional data related to the error condition - for example reason for authentication failure such as user is disabled or locked.
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalData
Type: object
Contains Map based additional data for the exception message (as key-value pair). All keys and values are in string format.

500 Response

We couldn't return the representation due to an internal server error.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
The SCIM Protocol uses the HTTP status response status codes defined in Section 6 [RFC7231] to indicate operation success or failure. Refer the available status codes here : Status Codes.
In addition to returning a HTTP response code implementers MUST return the errors in the body of the response in the client requested format containing the error response and, per the HTTP specification, human- readable explanations.
Show Source
  • A detailed, human readable message. OPTIONAL
  • schemas
    The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for SCIM specified Error and Extn Error Schema. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior. REQUIRED.
  • The HTTP status code (see Section 6 [RFC7231]) expressed as a JSON String
  • urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error
    Extension schema for error messages providing more details with the exception status.
    Returns messageId corresponding to the detailed error message and optionally additional data related to the error condition - for example reason for authentication failure such as user is disabled or locked.
Nested Schema : schemas
Type: array
The schemas attribute is an array of Strings which allows introspection of the supported schema version for a SCIM representation as well any schema extensions supported by that representation. Each String value must be a unique URI. This specification defines URIs for SCIM specified Error and Extn Error Schema. All representations of SCIM schema MUST include a non-zero value array with value(s) of the URIs supported by that representation. Duplicate values MUST NOT be included. Value order is not specified and MUST not impact behavior. REQUIRED.
Allowed Values: [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error", "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error" ]
Show Source
Nested Schema : urn:ietf:params:scim:api:oracle:idcs:extension:messages:Error
Type: object
Extension schema for error messages providing more details with the exception status.
Returns messageId corresponding to the detailed error message and optionally additional data related to the error condition - for example reason for authentication failure such as user is disabled or locked.
Show Source
Nested Schema : additionalData
Type: object
Contains Map based additional data for the exception message (as key-value pair). All keys and values are in string format.
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The following example shows how to retrieve a list of existing policy types for the tenant by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

cURL Command


The command in this example uses the URL structure https://tenant-base-url/resource-path, where tenant-base-url represents the Identity Service URL, and the resource path represents the Identity Service API. See Send Requests for the appropriate URL structure to use.
-H "Content-Type:application/scim+json"
-H "Authorization: Bearer <Access Token Value>"

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "schemas": [
  "totalResults": 4,
  "Resources": [
      "description": "Policy for Attribute Value Generation for Managed Objects",
      "stopEvaluationOnFirstConditionMatch": false,
      "id": "AttributeValueGenerationPolicyTypeId",
      "stopEvaluationOnFirstRuleMatch": false,
      "idcsLastModifiedBy": {
        "value": "UnAuthenticated"
      "meta": {
        "created": "2017-01-25T20:24:32.761Z",
        "lastModified": "2017-01-25T20:24:32.761Z",
        "resourceType": "PolicyType",
        "location": "https://tenant-base-url/admin/v1/PolicyTypes/AttributeValueGenerationPolicyTypeId"
      "name": "Attribute Value Generation Policy Type",
      "idcsCreatedBy": {
        "value": "UnAuthenticated"
      "allowedTopPathElements": [
          "resourceType": "User",
          "name": "user",
          "type": "resourceType"
          "name": "operation",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "resourceType": "User",
          "name": "userId",
          "type": "resourceId"
      "operationsThatTrigger": [
        "Provision ManagedObject"
      "allowedReturnPathElements": [
          "name": "__ANY__",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
      "schemas": [
      "description": "Policy for Attribute Value Generation for Managed Objects",
      "stopEvaluationOnFirstConditionMatch": false,
      "id": "SignOn",
      "stopEvaluationOnFirstRuleMatch": false,
      "idcsLastModifiedBy": {
        "value": "UnAuthenticated"
      "meta": {
        "created": "2017-01-25T20:24:33.200Z",
        "lastModified": "2017-01-25T20:24:33.200Z",
        "resourceType": "PolicyType",
        "location": "https://tenant-base-url/admin/v1/PolicyTypes/SignOn"
      "stopEvaluationOnFirstDenyRuleMatch": true,
      "name": "SignOn",
      "allowMultipleReturnAttributes": true,
      "idcsCreatedBy": {
        "value": "UnAuthenticated"
      "resourceTypesCanBeAssignedTo": [
      "allowedTopPathElements": [
          "name": "target.resource.url",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "name": "target.action",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "name": "client.ip",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "name": "isAuthenticatedUser",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "boolean"
          "name": "authenticatedBy",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "resourceType": "User",
          "name": "user",
          "type": "resourceType"
          "resourceType": "User",
          "name": "userId",
          "type": "resourceId"
          "resourceType": "Device",
          "name": "device",
          "type": "resourceType"
      "operationsThatTrigger": [
        "App Access"
      "allowedReturnPathElements": [
          "name": "effect",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "name": "authenticationFactor",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "name": "returnClaim",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "name": "successRedirect",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "name": "failureRedirect",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "name": "annoucementRedirect",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
      "schemas": [
      "idcsLastModifiedBy": {
        "type": "App",
        "value": "opcInfra",
        "display": "opcInfra",
        "$ref": "https://tenant-base-url/admin/v1/Apps/opcInfra"
      "description": "The password policy",
      "idcsCreatedBy": {
        "type": "App",
        "display": "opcInfra",
        "value": "opcInfra",
        "$ref": "https://tenant-base-url/admin/v1/Apps/opcInfra"
      "stopEvaluationOnFirstConditionMatch": false,
      "id": "38fb826536714bc6b4dca0a5518427e9",
      "stopEvaluationOnFirstRuleMatch": false,
      "meta": {
        "created": "2017-01-26T07:48:44.132Z",
        "lastModified": "2017-01-26T07:48:44.132Z",
        "resourceType": "PolicyType",
        "location": "https://tenant-base-url/admin/v1/PolicyTypes/38fb826536714bc6b4dca0a5518427e9"
      "name": "PolicyType_hglptaplnk_217",
      "allowedTopPathElements": [
          "name": "operation",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "name": "password",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "resourceType": "User",
          "name": "User",
          "type": "resourceType"
      "operationsThatTrigger": [
        "Change Password"
      "allowedReturnPathElements": [
          "name": "violation",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
      "schemas": [
      "idcsLastModifiedBy": {
        "type": "App",
        "value": "opcInfra",
        "display": "opcInfra",
        "$ref": "https://tenant-base-url/admin/v1/Apps/opcInfra"
      "description": "The password policy",
      "idcsCreatedBy": {
        "type": "App",
        "display": "opcInfra",
        "value": "opcInfra",
        "$ref": "https://tenant-base-url/admin/v1/Apps/opcInfra"
      "stopEvaluationOnFirstConditionMatch": false,
      "id": "45dea27680cf46b68535d8c56ba98d3d",
      "stopEvaluationOnFirstRuleMatch": false,
      "meta": {
        "created": "2017-01-26T07:54:57.512Z",
        "lastModified": "2017-01-26T07:54:57.512Z",
        "resourceType": "PolicyType",
        "location": "https://tenant-base-url/admin/v1/PolicyTypes/45dea27680cf46b68535d8c56ba98d3d"
      "name": "PolicyType_qfimmoskia_217",
      "allowedTopPathElements": [
          "name": "password",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
          "resourceType": "User",
          "name": "User",
          "type": "resourceType"
          "name": "operation",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
      "operationsThatTrigger": [
        "Change Password"
      "allowedReturnPathElements": [
          "name": "violation",
          "type": "attribute",
          "dataType": "string"
      "schemas": [
  "startIndex": 1,
  "itemsPerPage": 50
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