Managing User Schema Customizations

Oracle Identity Cloud Service may be one of many repositories in your organization. When you start using Identity Cloud Service, you might load a different set of user identities based on requirements from various departments within or outside of your organization. Schema Customization allows you to create tenant-specific custom schemas to supplement the out-of-the-box (OOTB) attributes for a resource and allows user schemas to be extended

A custom schema is available OOTB as an empty schema with no attributes defined. The following "Custom User" schema is an example of an empty custom schema with no attributes. This custom schema is used as an example for all example request payloads in this use case.

    "name": "CustomUser",
    "description": "Custom User",
    "id": "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:idcs:extension:custom:User",
    "idcsResourceTypes": [
    "schemas": [
    "meta": {
        "resourceType": "Schema",
        "created": "2018-08-15T05:02:13.788Z",
        "lastModified": "2018-08-15T05:02:13.788Z",
        "location": "https://<tenant-base-url>/admin/v1/Schemas/urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:idcs:extension:custom:User"
    "idcsCreatedBy": {
        "value": "158d625222f442ef8fcc817593701dd9",
        "type": "App",
        "display": "idcssm",
        "$ref": "https://<tenant-base-url>/admin/v1/Apps/158d625222f442ef8fcc817593701dd9"
    "idcsLastModifiedBy": {
        "value": "158d625222f442ef8fcc817593701dd9",
        "type": "App",
        "display": "idcssm",
        "$ref": "https://<tenant-base-url>/admin/v1/Apps/158d625222f442ef8fcc817593701dd9"


You can't update the following properties. Any attempt to update these properties is ignored.
  • type

  • idcsSearchable

  • uniqueness

  • caseExact

  • idcsSensitive

  • multiValued

  • required

Adding Custom User Schema Attributes

The following links provide information and example requests for adding custom user schema attributes using both the PUT and PATCH methods. Information on the validations performed when adding attributes is also included.

Updating Custom User Schema Attributes

The following links provide information and example requests for updating custom user schema attributes using both the PUT and PATCH methods. Information on validations performed when updating attributes is also included.

Removing Custom Schema Attributes

The following links provide information and example requests when removing custom user schema attributes using both the PUT and PATCH methods. Information on validations performed when removing attributes is also included.

Enabling the Import of Custom User Schema Attributes

The following link provides information and example requests when importing custom user schema attributes.