Configure an Authentication Policy

Create an authentication policy for each resource you created for your enterprise application.

An authentication policy defines which authentication method to use to protect your enterprise application's resources, and whether App Gateway will add header variables to the request it forwards to the application.
  1. In the SSO Configuration tab of your enterprise application page, expand the Authentication Policy section, and then click Add under Managed Resources.
  2. In the Add Resource window, select the resource for which you want to configure an authentication policy from the list of resources that you created in the Resources section.
  3. Use the following table to define the Authentication Method for the resource you have selected:

    Table 5-1 Authentication Methods

    Authentication Method Description

    Basic Auth

    The Basic Auth method performs HTTP Basic authentication. If the request doesn't contain an Authentication Basic header, then user's browser will prompt for credentials.

    The credentials sent in the Authentication Basic header is validated in Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

    Basic Auth+Logout

    This method is used to protect the application's resource (URL) that represents the application's log out process.

    When App Gateway intercepts a request to this resource, the HTTP logout process is initiated. This process deletes any HTTP session cookie created by the Basic Auth+Session authentication method.

    After the logout process finishes, App Gateway forwards the user browser to the requested application's resource.

    Note that the HTTP logout process doesn't clear any credentials cached by the browser in the current browser session and then the user may not be prompted again for later requests.

    Basic Auth+Session

    Works the same as Basic Auth. After the credential is validated, it creates an HTTP session cookie (ORA_OCIS_CG_BA_SESSION).

    Form or Access Token

    In this authentication method, App Gateway delegates credentials collection and validation to Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

    If an Authorization Bearer header is present in the request, then the authentication is similar to a resource server flow. If a user-agent header is present, then a user browser flow takes place.

    The user browser flow redirects the user browser to Oracle Identity Cloud Service for credentials collection and validation, and then creates an OAuth session cookie (ORA_OCIS_CG_SESSION_*).

    If an Authorization session header is present in the request and the OAuth session cookie is missing or invalid, then the usual OAuth login flow is suppressed and a 401 HTTP error code will be returned along with a WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_session" header. This is used by applications that may trigger an unwanted login when their requests contain a user-agent header, but not an Authorization Bearer header, allowing them to handle re-authentication themselves.


    This method is used to protect the application's resource (URL) that represents the application's log out process.

    This resource's URL doesn't need to be exposed by the application, as App Gateway redirects the user browser to Oracle Identity Cloud Service's OAuth logout endpoint (/oauth2/v1/userlogout), instead of forwarding the request to the application URL.

    In the Add Resource window, the Post-Logout URL is the URL which App Gateway redirects the user browser after signing the user out. You can also provide a Post-Logout State parameter value to be used by the post-logout URL page of the application.


    Performs authentication based on the contents of the Authorization header of the request:

    • If the request contains an Authorization Basic header, then App Gateway handles this authentication as Basic Auth.
    • If the request contains an Authorization Bearer or Authorization Session header, App Gateway handles this authentication as Form or Access Token.
    • If the Authorization header is missing or has any other value, then a 401 Unauthoized HTTP error is returned.


    Same as Multitoken, but if the Authorization header is not Basic, Bearer, or session, then instead of presenting the 401 Unauthoized HTTP error, request App Gateway acts as authentication method was Basic Auth.


    • If a valid OAuth session cookie is present, then the headers configured in the authentication policy are added to the request and the request is forwarded to the application.
    • If the OAuth session cookie is missing or expired, works the same as the Public authentication method. In this case, a REMOTE_USER header with value anonymous is added to the request.

    For both options, the headers configured in the authentication policy are added to the request, but authentication is not performed.


    No authentication is performed. The request is forwarded to the application as is.


    This method always returns 500 Not Supported HTTP error code.

    For example, you can use this method to disable access to a protected URL that is available in the application but you don't want users to access it.

  4. The authentication method you selected in the previous step is valid for all HTTP Methods (GET, HEAD, DELETE, PUT, OPTIONS, CONNECT, POST, or PATCH). If you want to specify different authentication methods for HTTP methods (for example, the Form + Access Token authentication method for the GET HTTP method and the Multitoken authentication method for the POST HTTP method), then you can do so by using the Authentication Method Overrides menu. Select the HTTP Method, and then the Authentication Method you want. If you need to override more than one HTTP method, then repeat this step multiple times.
  5. If you want to add an header variable to the request so that App Gateway forwards it to the application, click the plus + icon for Headers, provide the name, and then either select the value for the header variable from the list of user attributes, enter a fixed value, or provide an expression. To add more than one header variable, click the + icon for Headers multiple times.

    For example, let's suppose the application requires a header variable named USERLOGGEDIN to be present in every request so that the applications knows the ID of user signed in to Oracle Identity Cloud Service. You need to add one header variable, enter USERLOGGEDIN for the Name field, and then either select User Name from the drop down list or enter $subject.user.userName for Value.


    You can select a user attribute from the drop down menu or provide an expression using any attribute from Oracle Identity Cloud Service's SCIM user schema as header variable value. See Supported Header Value Expressions for Authentication Policies.

    In the Configure Authentication Policy for this application section, if App Gateway is configured in SSL mode (HTTPs), then confirm that Require Secure Cookies is selected. This flag sets the secure header to avoid cookies being used in non-secure HTTP communication. If App Gateway is configured in non-SSL mode (HTTP), then deselect Require Secure Cookies.

    For security reasons, make sure the Disable Audience Validation check box isn't selected. The audience validation check box is used to ensure the token has been issued by App Gateway's known issuer, in this case Oracle Identity Cloud Service. If you disable audience validation, App Gateway won't validate the audience of the token, which makes the application vulnerable to attacks.