Description of the Flowchart

In this flowchart, you learn which method to use to integrate your application with Oracle Identity Cloud Service. Do you want to synchronize users to or from Microsoft Active Directory (AD)? If you do, then use the AD Bridge. If you don't, then do you want to synchronize users from an LDAP such as Oracle Internet Directory? If you do, then use the App Catalog and the Provisioning Bridge. If you don't, then is your application listed in the App Catalog? If it is, then use the App Catalog template to provision or synchronize users. If it isn’t, then does your application expose SCIM-based REST APIs to manage users? If it does, then use one of the Generic SCIM Templates to provision or synchronize users. If it doesn't, then develop and deploy a SCIM REST interface for your application and use the SCIM App Template to provision or synchronize users.