Obtain an Access Token

Obtain an admin access token to allow you to create groups and users with POSIX attributes, or add POSIX attributes to existing groups and users.

  1. In the Linux environment run the following command:
    curl -k -X POST -u "client-id:client-secret" -d "grant_type=client_credentials&scope=urn:opc:idm:__myscopes__" "https://identity-cloud-service-instance-url/oauth2/v1/token"


    • client-id is the client ID of a confidential application with administrative privileges
    • client-secret is the client secret of a confidential application with administrative privileges
    • identity-cloud-service-instance-url is your Oracle Identity Cloud Service Instance URL


    The PAM confidential application client-id and client-secret are used by the PAM client library to create both groups or POSIX groups.

    However, to create a POSIX group, use the following endpoint with an admin access token.
