Delete an Account in the OMA App

You can delete accounts in the Oracle Mobile Authenticator (OMA) app.

The steps to delete an account in the OMA app vary between the supported operating systems.

  • iOS: While in List View, swipe left on the account tile that you want to delete. While in Grid View, swipe up. Tap Delete.


    To delete an account when using VoiceOver mode, you must be in Grid View. The Delete option is not available in List View when using VoiceOver mode.
  • Android: Tap and hold the account tile that you want to delete, tap the trash can icon that appears in the upper-right corner, and then in the Delete Account window, tap Delete Account.
  • Windows: Tap and hold the account tile that you want to delete. A menu appears. Tap Delete, and then tap Delete Account in the window that appears.