Invoke Operations Page

Enter the Adobe Sign Adapter invoke operation values for your integration.

The table provides definitions for the Adobe Sign API operations that can be performed on the invoke connection. These operations are listed on the Adobe Sign Adapter Operations page.

Operation Description
Send Agreement for Signature Creates an agreement and then sends it for a signature.
Get Agreement List for User Returns a list of agreements for a specific user.
Get Agreement Status Returns the latest status of a specific agreement.
Get Document Ids of Agreement Returns the IDs of the primary and supporting documents for a specific agreement.
Get Document URL Returns the URL of a specific document.
Cancel an Agreement Cancels an agreement and changes its status to cancel.
Delete an Agreement Deletes all documents associated with an agreement.
Get document of an agreement Returns the file stream of a document of an agreement.
Get information of the documents associated with an agreement Returns a single, combined PDF document for the documents associated with an agreement.
Get agreement form data Returns the data entered by the user into interactive form fields when they signed the agreement.
Get the audit trail of an agreement Returns the audit trail of an agreement identified by the agreement ID.
Upload a document Uploads a document and obtains returns the ID of the document.
Get User Workflows Returns workflows for a user.
Get details of a Workflow Returns the details of a workflow.
Create and Send an agreement out for signature Creates an agreement, sends it for signatures, and returns the agreement ID in the response to the client.
Send Agreement for signature to multiple recipients Sends an agreement to multiple recipients for their signature. Each recipient is sent a copy of the agreement for review and authorization.
Element Description

Select Operation

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