Dequeue Operations or Enqueue Operations Page

Enter the Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) Adapter trigger dequeue operation properties or invoke enqueue operation properties for your integration. For dequeue operations, you can select the database schema and queue name. For enqueue operations, you can select to use an existing schema or no schema (message is sent in opaque format).

The database schema must be associated with the raw, object, or business event system queue type.

Table 3-1 Trigger Dequeue Operations

Element Description

Select Queue Type

Identifies the queue type for the dequeue operation.
  • All: Displays all types.

  • Raw: Select to provide a schema or check an opaque schema for raw queues.

  • Object: If the database to which to connect includes a queue created from an object type (abstract data type (ADT), this type is available for selection. This selection enables you to receive the entire ADT object or a single field within the object as the payload.

  • Business Event System: A queue is recognized as a business event system if the object type is WF_EVENT_T and the payload field is EVENT_DATA.

Select Database Schema

Selects the database schema for the dequeue operation.

Select Queue Name

Identifies the queue name for the dequeue operation.

Consumer Name

Identifies the consumer name for the dequeue operation. The consumer for a queue is automatically generated using the current timestamp (for example, ICSCONSUMER_160407122433433). Therefore, when you drag and drop the Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) Adapter into the integration canvas and invoke the Adapter Endpoint Configuration wizard, a new consumer is generated. If you later re-edit the endpoint in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration wizard, the consumer name is preserved.

Correlation Identifier

Specify an optional correlation value between 1 and 30 characters in length. This value is agreed upon between the enqueuing sender and the dequeuing receiver. This enables you to be selective about the messages to dequeue. Only messages with this correlation value are dequeued and processed. If you do not enter a value, all messages in the queue are dequeued and processed.

Do you want to define a schema for this endpoint

Indicates if a schema is defined for the endpoint.

Select an Existing Schema from the File System

  • Select Other File

    Selects the schema file for the endpoint.

  • Selected File Name

    Identifies the name of the schema file selected for the endpoint.

  • Select the Schema Element

    Selects the schema element for the dequeue operation.

Select Business Payload Type

  • Whole Object WRAPPER_TYPE: Select to base the payload on the entire object.

  • Field Within Object: Select to base the payload on a single field within the object. You are then prompted to:

    • Browse for the field that contains the payload.

    • Specify the message schema definition.

Table 3-2 Invoke Enqueue Operations

Element Description

Select Queue Type

Identifies the queue type for the enqueue operation.
  • All: Displays all types.

  • Raw: Select to provide a schema or check an opaque schema for raw queues.

  • Object: If the database to which to connect includes a queue created from an object (ADT) type, this type is available for selection. This selection enables you to receive the entire ADT object or a single field within the object as the payload.

  • Business Event System: A queue is recognized as a business event system if the object type is WF_EVENT_T and the payload field is EVENT_DATA.

Select Database Schema

Selects the database schema for the enqueue operation.

Select Queue Name

Identifies the queue name for the enqueue operation.

Correlation Identifier

Specify an optional correlation value between 1 and 30 characters in length. This value is agreed upon between the enqueuing sender and the dequeuing receiver. This enables you to be selective about the messages to enqueue. Only messages with this correlation value are dequeued and processed. If you do not enter a value, all messages in the queue are dequeued and processed.

Do you want to define a schema for this endpoint

Indicates if a schema is defined for the endpoint.

Select an Existing Schema from the File System

  • Select Other File

    Selects the schema file for the endpoint.

  • Selected File Name

    Identifies the name of the schema file selected for the endpoint.

  • Select the Schema Element

    Selects the schema element for the dequeue operation.

Select Business Payload Type

  • Whole Object WRAPPER_TYPE: Select to base the payload on the entire object.

  • Field Within Object: Select to base the payload on a single field within the object. You are then prompted to:

    • Browse for the field that contains the payload.

    • Specify the message schema definition.