Basic Info Page

You can enter a name and description on the Basic Info page of each adapter in your integration.

Element Description

What do you want to call your endpoint?

Provide a meaningful name so that others can understand the responsibilities of this connection. You can include English alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens in the name. You can't include the following characters:

  • No blank spaces (for example, My Inbound Connection)

  • No special characters (for example,  #;83& or righ(t)now4) except underscores and hyphens

  • No multibyte characters

What does this endpoint do?

Enter an optional description of the connection’s responsibilities. For example:

This connection receives an inbound request to synchronize account information with the cloud application.

B2B Trading Partner mode

Note: This option is only available with Oracle Integration Generation 2.

Select this option only if you want to:

  • Create B2B trading partners and agreements in your integration with the AS2 Adapter. See Manage Trading Partners in Using B2B for Oracle Integration Generation 2.
  • Monitor B2B message communication between the trading partners during runtime from the Track B2B Messages page. See Track B2B Messages in Using B2B for Oracle Integration Generation 2.
Standalone mode Select this option to use the AS2 Adapter independent of any trading partners, agreements, or B2B message tracking functionality.