Basic Information Page

Specify a name, description, and operation type on the Basic Info page of each trigger and invoke connection in your integration.

Element Description

What do you want to call your endpoint?

Identifies the connection with a meaningful name that defines the purpose of connection. For example, CreateEmployeeInDB for a database connection that adds new employee data. The name can include English alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, and dashes. The name cannot include:

  • Blank spaces (for example, My DB Connection)

  • Special characters (for example,  #;83& or righ(t)now4)

  • Multibyte characters

What operation do you want to perform?

  • Invoke a Stored Procedure — Select to run a stored procedure on the database.

  • Run a SQL Statement — Select to run a SQL query on the database.

  • Perform an Operation On a Table — Select to perform one of the following operations on a table. You can update or insert multiple records in a single request.

    • Insert

    • Update

    • Insert or Update (Merge)

    • Select

  • Perform Bulk Data Import Operation — Select to perform one of the following bulk data import operations on a table. This option is only displayed if you configured the JDBC With OCI Signature security policy and are using direct connectivity (that is, the connection is not configured to use the connectivity agent).
    • Perform Bulk Load: Loads a file into the object storage bucket and puts it into the specified database table.
    • Fetch Load Status: Fetches the status of a bulk data import operation (either completed, failed, or in progress).
  • When operations in a SQL statement such as Update, Concat, and Merge accept values for the inbound invocation of an integration, they do not work. For example, the following query does not work:

    select concat(empname, 'ss') from DB_AQ where empno=#empno
    select empno from DB_AQ where empname=concat(#empname, 'YY') 

    As a workaround, handle these scenarios during payload mapping. For example, perform a concatenation during mapping of the payload. The final output can then be passed as input to the SQL query.

  • IN/BETWEEN operators are not supported with bind parameters. Use greater than (>) and less than (<) operators instead.