Invoke Bulk Load from Object Storage Page

Specify the details for performing a bulk data import operation.

Element Description
Select Bucket

Select the object storage bucket in which to place or delete the file. The object storage buckets available for selection are located in the compartment that you specified on the Connections page when creating the connection.

Note: If you don't have the privilege to access the buckets, a User is Not authorized message is shown on the screen and no other options are listed.

Delete file from object storage after operation completion Select to delete the file from the object storage bucket. Otherwise, the file remains in the bucket.
Review and specify the copy_data format options Click Edit to optionally specify the file format options. If not specified here or sent in the mapper, all default options are used. The following options are displayed by default.
  • Delimiter: Select the field delimiter used in the file.
    • Pipe
    • Single space
    • Comma
    • Semicolon
    • Tab
    • Other (Select to display a field for entering a custom delimiter.)
  • Record Delimiter: Select the record delimiter used in the file. A new line value is the default value.
  • Skip Headers: Specify the number of rows to skip at the top of the file (if any).
  • Show Advanced Options: Click to optionally specify advanced formatting options for the file. If no formatting options are specified, the default settings are used.
    If you want to specify an option that is not available in the wizard, you can send the format options as a JSON string in the mapper as follows.
    '{"delimiter" : "\"|\"", "quote" : "\"^\"", "ignoremissingcolumns" : "true", "dateformat" : "YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI-SS", "blankasnull" : "true"}'
    Note: For special character usage in the JSON string, when the format options are sent in the mapper, the options provided in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard are overridden. In this case, the format options sent in the mapper are only considered. It is recommended that you select only one way of providing the format options (either from the wizard or through the mapper). If both are provided, the options in the mapper are only considered.

    When complete, click OK to return to the Bulk Load from Object Storage page.

Select Schema Select the database table schema.
Select Table Select the database table in which to write the file data. Based on your selection, all the fields in that table are displayed for selection.
Table Columns Displays the columns (fields) in the table.

Note: When selecting the fields in the table, select all the fields in the order of the incoming data. If none of the fields are selected, a default value is considered that takes into account that the data fields are in the same order as the table fields. Table column names with special characters such as spaces or a # are not supported.

For example, assume the CSV file was formatted as follows:
As an example, you may select to move the following table columns to the Re-order columns as per input data list to match the order of the CSV file: