Description for Integration

This image shows a flow of the integration. At the top is a box labeled Concur - Submit Job records Operation. Below this is a box labeled Declare and Initialize “StatusVar=0”. Below this is a decision triangle labeled While (StatusVar!=2). If true, an arrow extending from the bottom of the triangle points to a box labeled Concur - Get Job Status and then to a decision triangle labeled If (Status = 2). On the left side of the box is an arrow labeled True that extends down to a box labeled Update “StatusVar = Status” and then the arrow returns to the While (StatusVar!=2) decision triangle. On the right side of the box is an arrow labeled False that extends down to a box labeled Wait, and then the arrow returns to the While (StatusVar!=2) decision triangle.

At the top for the decision triangle labeled While (StatusVar!=2), an arrow extending from the right of the triangle points to a box near the bottom of the flow labeled Concur – Retrieve File. This box has an arrow extending from the bottom to a decision triangle labeled For Each File. An arrow extends down from the bottom labeled For Next File to a box labeled Stage Activity - Read Entire File. An arrow extends down from the bottom to a box labeled FTP - Write, which then has an arrow that returns to For Each File and an arrow that points to the integration end to a circle.. On the right side of the For Each File box is an arrow labeled No File to process, which points to the integration end to a circle.