Methods for Connecting Oracle Integration to an Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service Instance with the Oracle Database Cloud Service Adapter

Connectivity from Oracle Integration to an Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service instance using the Oracle Database Cloud Service Adapter can be accomplished through the following methods.

  • Connectivity agent: Use this approach when the Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service instance is not publicly accessible and resides within a private subnet in your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). With this topology, the Oracle Database Cloud Service Adapter cannot directly access the Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service instance. The connectivity agent must be deployed in your network to allow the connectivity agent access to Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service.
  • Direct connectivity: Use this approach when the Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service instance is directly accessible from Oracle Integration. In this case, the connectivity agent is not necessary. However, Oracle strongly recommends using Transport Level Security (TLS ) for the communication between Oracle Integration and Oracle Database Classic Cloud Service to ensure the data being transmitted is encrypted in motion.