Description of the Open Interface Details Page

This image shows the Open Interface Details page. At the top of this page shows the selected Integration Repository tab and the Administration tab. Below the Integration Repository tab, Open Interface: AR Autoinvoice is shown with the Browse, Search, and Printable Page buttons. Below, on the left side the following read-only fields are displayed top to bottom — Internal Name, Type, Product, Business Entities, and Online Help. On the right side, the Status and Scope fields are displayed top to bottom.

In the middle of this page, there are the Overview tab, the REST Web Service tab, and the Grants tab displayed from left to right. In the REST Web Service tab being shown, the Service Alias field with “autoinvoice” and the REST Service Status with “Deployed” are displayed top to bottom. The View WADL link is shown next to the REST Service Status field. Below, there is a Service Operations table with these column names — Name, Direction, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and Grant. This table contains the following open interface table names and its associated Direction:

All the interfaces listed above except SUBMIT_CP_RAXMTR have the corresponding check icons displayed for the rest columns GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and Grant in the table. For SUBMIT_CP_RAXMTR, the check icon is only shown in the POST and Grant columns.

At the bottom of this page, the REST Service Security region is shown. Below the region, this is the Undeploy button.