Description of the Purchase Orders Form

This image shows the Purchase Orders form. At the top left of this form, the following fields are displayed top to bottom: Operating Unit, PO, Rev, Supplier, Ship-To, Buyer, and Description. In the middle, the following fields are displayed top to bottom: Created, Type, Site, Bill-To, and Status. To the right, the following fields are displayed top to bottom: P-Card, Contact, Currency, and Total.

Below these fields, the Lines tab is shown, along with the Price Reference tab, the Reference Documents tab, the More tab, the Agreement tab, and the Temporary Labor tab.

In the Lines tab, the following table columns are displayed from left to right: Num, Item, Rev, Job, Category, Description, UOM, Quantity, and Price. At the bottom, the Currency, Terms, Shipment, and Approve buttons are displayed.