Invoke Response Page

Enter the Oracle ERP Cloud invoke response values for your integration.

Element Description

Notification Mode

Select an option for being notified of data import completion status. These options are configured in the Oracle ERP Cloud application. This information is sent from Oracle Integration to the Oracle ERP Cloud application.
  • Email & Bell Notification: Select to receive both email and bell notifications.

  • Email notification: Select to receive only an email notification.

  • Bell Notification: Select to receive only a bell notification.


Select when to receive a notification about data import status:
  • Send in any case

  • Send on import success

  • Send on import failure

Enable Callback

Select to enable callback behavior for the import job selected on the Operations page. When you select this option for new integrations, the ErpImportBulkData event of Oracle ERP Cloud is raised once the import job completes.

When you select this option for existing integrations, you must also provide the callback integration and callback identifier described in the fields below.

Integration Flow Identifier

(This field is visible when using an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter connection in an existing integration.)

Optionally specify a callback integration in which to receive details about the status of the outbound Oracle ERP Cloud request flow (failed records) (for example, enter 01.00.0000). This is a completely separate integration that handles callbacks. The name of the integration is only required to trigger a second integration. Otherwise, this field can be left blank. The inbound integration is expected to handle callbacks from Oracle ERP Cloud. The integration must have an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter configured in the trigger (inbound) direction. You select As a Callback on the Request page in the trigger direction.

Integration Flow Version

(This field is visible when using an Oracle ERP Cloud Adapter connection in an existing integration.)

Enter the integration version in two digits. For example, enter 01 if the identifier version is 01.00.0000.