File Adapter Capabilities

Use the File Adapter in integrations in Oracle Integration to exchange (write) files on directories that are local to the connectivity agent.

The File Adapter provides the following benefits:
  • Transfers (writes) files to any publicly accessible server in either binary or ASCII format.

  • Supports a synchronous one-way request message exchange pattern. There is no response from the server.

  • Allows the creation of binary files (opaque) and schema-based files such as XML schema and comma-separated value.


    The File Adapter supports Microsoft Excel files. Either send the file as an opaque (pass through) or first save it as a comma-separated value file before using Oracle Integration.
  • Supports processing of files less than 50 MB in size. Note that the size of CSV files increases when translated into a message. Therefore, the file size must be less than 50 MB so that after translation, the message size does not exceed 50 MB.

  • Supports the upload of an XSD file without a target namespace. In these cases, a surrogate namespace is added to the XSD file that all messages then use:
  • Supports complex XSDs that can import and include other XSDs. The included XSDs in the ZIP file can import the XSD from an HTTP location. All XSD files must be added to a ZIP file and uploaded when configuring the File Adapter for read and write operations in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard.

    In the following example, the hierarchy of the ZIP file to upload is as follows:
      second (folder)
    first.xsd imports second.xsd.
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" 
    <xs:import schemaLocation="./second/second.xsd" 
    <xs:import schemaLocation="
    XSD=/xml/datagraph.xsd" targetNamespace="commonj.sdo"/>
    <xs:element name="book"> 
          <xs:element name="isbn" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/> 
          <xs:element name="author" type="tns1:author"/> 
    The contents of second.xsd are as follows.
    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" 
    <xs:import schemaLocation="
    <xs:complexType name="author">
           <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>  
           <xs:element name="address" type="xs:string"/> 
    <xs:element name="Admin">
                 <xs:element name="AdminName" type="xs:string"/>
                 <xs:element name="AdminAdd" type="xs:string"/>


    If you are importing from HTTPS locations, ensure that you import the SSL certificates into Oracle Integration.
  • Supports specifying sample XML documents for the payload when configuring the File Adapter for read and write operations.

  • Supports specifying JSON documents for the payload when configuring the File Adapter for read and write operations.

The File Adapter is a predefined adapter included with Oracle Integration . You can configure File Adapter as a connection in an integration in Oracle Integration.