Description for File Server Folders Screen

This image shows the File Server Folders screen. At the side of the screen is a navigation pane with File Server, Settings, Users, and Folders options.

The top of the screen says Oracle Integration and below it, Folders. On the far side of the title bar is a Create button.

Below the title bar is a label titled After Current Folder, followed by a link that reads $root/home/users/Service.Administrator/Partners. Below it says 7 Files.

The table contains three columns titled Name, Last Modified, and File Size. The Name column includes the folder icons for the first three rows and the names SCM, ERP, and ERP. The last four rows show a file icon and file names PRODUCT_CATALOG.xml, PRODUCT_INFO.xml, CX_INTEGRATION_DATA.csv, and EDI.xml. The Last Modified column lists dates/times/timezones for all folders and files. The File Size column shows small file sizes for the files (less than 1 KB).