Trigger Business Events Page

Select the business event details for the endpoint.

Element Description

Hotel ID

Provide your hotel ID. This is the ID associated with your property. This ID is used for both authentication purposes and to retrieve business events for this Hotel ID.

External System ID

Provide your external system ID. This is the ID configured in your OPERA Cloud that references your system.

Polling Interval (Secs)

Write the number of seconds that you want the adapter to be polling business events from OPERA Cloud. Enter a number between 5 and 600 seconds.

Polling Option

Select an option:
  • Fetch just for given Hotel Id: Gets business events for the given hotel ID only.
  • Fetch for all IDs of the tenant associated to the given External System ID: Gets business events for all hotel IDs associated with the given external system ID.

Event Limit (1 - 20)

Select a number between 1 and 20. OHIP business event APIs are limited to a maximum number of 20 events in each API call.