Interact with LinkedIn

Use these recipes to get user profiles and to share content on LinkedIn.


These recipes are available in the Integration Store as:
  • Oracle LinkedIn Get User Lite Profile
  • Oracle LinkedIn Share
  • Oracle LinkedIn Share User Content

Oracle provides these recipes as samples only. These recipes are meant only for guidance, and are not warranted to be error-free. No support is provided for these recipes.


The LinkedIn recipes use the REST Adapter and the LinkedIn Adapter to create an integration with a LinkedIn application. These recipes enable you to use basic LinkedIn services in an integration within Oracle Integration on behalf of an authenticated user. You can get the user's lite (basic) LinkedIn profile and share content on LinkedIn.

Recipe Name Description Parameters Required to Run Recipe

Get User Lite Profile

Retrieves the lite profile of the current LinkedIn user.

No parameter is required in the request message to run this recipe.

Share Message

Uses the LinkedIn Shares API to post a message to the account of the current LinkedIn user.

Note: LinkedIn still supports the Shares API, but plans to deprecate it in the near future. Also, the Share API doesn’t support video.

Provide the following sample payload in the request message:

    "content": { 
      "title": "Test Oracle LinkedIn Share message"
    "distribution": {
       "linkedInDistributionTarget": {}
    "owner": "<your_linkedIn_account_urn>",
    "subject": "Test Oracle LinkedIn - Share 005",
    "text": {
       "text": "Test Oracle LinkedIn Share message"

Share User Generated Content

Uses the LinkedIn User Generated Content (UGC) Posts API to post a message to the account of the current LinkedIn user.

Note: UGC Posts is LinkedIn's next generation of share experience encompassing video posts, share posts, and more. UGC Posts will eventually replace the Shares API.

Provide the following sample payload in the request message:

  "author" : "<your_LinkedIn_account_urn>",
  "lifecycleState" : "PUBLISHED",
  "specificContent" : {
   "com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent" : {
    "shareCommentary" : {
     "text" : "Test Oracle LinkedIn Share User Content"
    "shareMediaCategory" : "NONE"
  "visibility" : {
  "com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility" : "PUBLIC"

System and Access Requirements

  • Oracle Integration


To use the LinkedIn recipes, you must satisfy the following prerequisites for creating a connection:

  • Access the LinkedIn developer console, and then create and register an application.

    When you register an application, LinkedIn provides a client ID and a client secret. The client ID and client secret are application-specific and are different for every application. You'll need these values when you configure the connection.

  • Ensure that you have the credentials required to provide consent for access to the user’s LinkedIn profile.

  • Know the scope of the access request. Scopes enable you to specify which type of access you need. For example: r_emailaddress r_liteprofile w_member_social.

See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection in Using the LinkedIn Adapter with Oracle Integration.

Install, Configure, and Run the Recipes

For more information and steps to install, configure, and run recipes, see Get Started with Integration Accelerators and Recipes.

To use the collection of LinkedIn recipes, you must configure the Oracle REST LinkedIn Connection and the Oracle LinkedIn Connection. You only need to configure these connections once. All LinkedIn recipes use the same two connections.

You must supply the following information when you configure these connections.

Connection Name Parameters

Oracle REST LinkedIn Connection

Type: REST API Base URLConnection

URL: https://oracle_integration_server name:443

Security Policy: No security policy

Oracle LinkedIn Connection

The security policy grants you authorization access to the resources of the LinkedIn application. Configure the security for your LinkedIn connection by specifying the following parameters:

  • Security Policy: Custom Security Policy

  • Client ID: Enter the client ID that you received when you registered your application with LinkedIn.

  • Client Secret: Enter the client secret that you received when you registered your application with LinkedIn.

  • Scope: Define the scope of the access request. Scopes enable you to specify which type of access you need, for example:

    r_emailaddress r_liteprofile w_member_social

Click Provide Consent and enter the email address and password to authorize the application’s access to the LinkedIn profile.

See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection in Using the LinkedIn Adapter with Oracle Integration..