Export the Integration and Process Design-Time Metadata

You must export the design-time metadata.


  1. For the design-time metadata of the Oracle Integration Classic instance to export to Oracle Integration, invoke the REST API. This action asynchronously creates an archive that includes all above-mentioned objects.

    Authorization : Basic
    Content-Type : application/json
     "storageInfo": {
           "storageUrl": "https://swiftobjectstorage.us-region-1.oraclecloud.com/v1/
    For example, use a postman or curl (as shown below) command to export all Integration and Process design time metadata to an Oracle Storage Cloud Service instance that you specify:
    curl -k -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '
    {"storageInfo":{"storageUrl":" https://swiftobjectstorage.us-region-1.oraclecloud.com/v1/
    "storagePassword":"generated_token"}}' -u admin:password
    • storageInfo: Is the URL of the storage container.
    • storageUser: Is the storage user name.
    • storagePassword: Is the storage password.

    You specified these details when creating the object storage bucket. See Step 3: Create an Object Storage Bucket and Construct the Storage URL (If Not Using the Application Migration Service).

    Possible sample output from this command is as follows:
     "archiveFilename": "archive_Local_Suite_Instance-d1e4295f-e17a-498a-a96e-44dcb417dfb4.zip",
     "jobID": "d1e4295f-e17a-498a-a96e-44dcb417dfb4",
     "location": "https://swiftobjectstorage.us-region-1.oraclecloud.com/v1/paasdevoic/cloneRepo",
     "status": "Starting"
  2. Check the status of the export operation using a postman or curl (as shown below) command:
    curl -k -v  -X GET -u admin:password https://host/ic/api/common/v1/exportServiceInstanceArchive/{jobId}
    Possible sample output from this command is as follows:
     "status": "COMPLETED"

    The archive is created in the Oracle Storage Cloud Service instance of Oracle Integration.

  3. If the status is completed, you are now ready to import the archive.