Test REST Adapter Trigger-Based Integrations with Multipart Attachments on the Test Page

You can test REST Adapter trigger-based integrations with multipart attachments on the Test page. This section provides high-level use cases for testing the following multipart attachment types.
  • multipart/form-data
  • multipart payload with structured data (for this example, JSON)

Test Multipart/Form-Data

  1. Configure a REST Adapter as a trigger connection and select the following options on the Request page:
    • Request is multipart with payload
    • Multipart request is of type multipart/form-data with HTML form payload

    REST Adapter Request Page with the Request is multipart with payload option and Multipart request is of type multipart/form-data with HTML form payload option selected.

  2. Design the remaining parts of your integration. For this example, the integration includes a REST Adapter trigger connection, notification action, mapper, and return action.
    This integration shows a REST Adapter trigger connection, notification action, mapper, and return action.

  3. Activate the integration.
  4. Click Run icon, then click Test on the message that is displayed.
  5. In the URI Parameters section of the Test page, specify values for the parameters.
    This integration shows the Track Instances and Show Endpoint Metadata tabs at the top. Below this is the POST value and the Test button. Below this is the Request section, with tabs for URI Parameters (which is selected), Headers, Body, cURL, and Integration Properties. Three parameters are displayed.

  6. In the Headers section, view the header details.
    The Headers tab is selected to show entries for application/json and multipart/form-data.

  7. In the Body section, select the attachments file to upload and specify a text description for the email.
    The Body tab is selected. Two rows are shown below. The first row (identified as File) includes the file uploaded. The second row (identified as Text) shows the text description.

  8. Click Test to invoke this REST Adapter-triggered integration.

    The activity stream results are displayed on the right side of the page.
    The Activity Stream shows the Instance ID value. In the upper right corner are four icons. Below this is a list with Ascending selected. Below this is the activity stream of actions processed.

  9. Check your response email for the file attachment you selected and the text description you specified.
    This document describes oracle rest standards

Test Multipart Payload with JSON Structured Data

  1. Configure a REST Adapter as a trigger connection and select the following options on the Request page:
    • Request is multipart with payload as the multipart attachment processing option.
    • JSON Sample as the request payload format.
    • multipart/mixed or multipart/form-data as the media type of the request body. If you select multipart/form-data, then the maximum allowed attachment size for testing is 50 MB.

    The Request tab is selected to show selections made for Request is multipart with payload, JSON Sample, and multipart/form-data.

  2. Design the remaining parts of your integration. For this example, the integration includes a REST Adapter trigger connection, notification action, mapper, and return action.
    This integration includes a REST Adapter trigger connection, notification action, mapper, and return action.

  3. Activate the integration.
  4. Click Run icon, then click Test on the message that is displayed.
  5. In the URI Parameters section of the Test page, specify values for the parameters.
    The URI Parameters tab is selected, with entries shown for receiverMailId, subject, and senderMailId.

  6. In the Body section, select the attachments file to upload and specify a text description for the email.
    The Body tab is selected. Two rows are shown below. The first row (identified as File) includes the file uploaded. The second row (identified as Text) shows the data description.

  7. Click Test to invoke this REST Adapter-triggered integration.

    The activity stream results are displayed on the right side of the page.
    The Activity Stream shows the Instance ID value. In the upper right corner are four icons. Below this is a list with Ascending selected. Below this is the activity stream of actions processed.

  8. Check your response email for the file attachment you selected and the text description you specified.
    Oracle rest standards document
The Test page provides a variety of testing features. See Test REST Adapter Trigger Connection-Based Integrations.