Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter Capabilities

The Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter enables you to integrate Oracle WebLogic JMS with Oracle Integration through use of the on-premises connectivity agent. Using the Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter, Oracle Integration can consume messages for processing from Oracle WebLogic JMS in Oracle Integration and produce messages to Oracle WebLogic JMS from Oracle Integration. The Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter can be configured as an outbound (invoke) or inbound (trigger) connection in an integration.

The Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter provides the following capabilities:

  • Supports JMS queues, a point-to-point messaging domain in which messages are exchanged through a queue and each message is delivered to only one receiver.

  • Supports JMS topics, a publish/subscribe messaging domain in which messages are exchanged by subscribing to a topic. A topic publisher (producer) sends messages to a specific topic. A topic subscriber (consumer) retrieves messages from a specific topic.

  • Supports both text and byte JMS message types.

  • Supports opaque and XML schema payloads.

  • Supports both consume message (inbound) and produce message (outbound) features. The consume message polls for incoming messages on a queue and the produce message publishes a message to a queue.

  • Supports the upload of a schema archive. A schema archive can have a single top level schema with nested imports and includes that contain absolute or relative paths. See Headers Page.

  • Supports JMS headers in both the trigger and invoke directions. You can set message headers to dequeue messages from queues and set message headers to enqueue messages into queues.
  • Supports the processing of message payloads up to 10 MB in size. The Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter rejects dequeued messages greater than 10 MB.

    Invalid message channel configuration is valid for all types of failures (message payload size failures, system errors, and so on). Messages move to the invalid message channel once the retry count is reached, even in the case of system errors. The Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter invokes onReject for each retry. Therefore, multiple notifications can be sent for the same message. This can be avoided by setting the retry count to the minimum possible number.

    The Summary page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard describes the behavior and configurations required for the Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter.

    It is recommended that you set the following JMS Module properties in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console:
    • Set Redelivery Limit to a minimum value such as 1 or 2 to limit retries of failed message payloads.

    • Set Error Destination to the queue location to which to move the failed message payload.

    See Configure queue message delivery failure options. Once the retry count is exhausted for all consumers, the message is moved to the exception queue. You can create a custom exception queue and specify that queue while publishing messages. Otherwise, the default exception queue AQ$_QTAB_E is used.

The Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter is one of many predefined adapters included with Oracle Integration. You can configure the Oracle WebLogic JMS Adapter as an invoke or trigger connection in an integration in Oracle Integration.