About the Expression Builder

Use the Expression Builder to view and edit your XPath expressions. This section provides an overview of the Expression Builder.

Displaying the Expression Builder

  1. Click a target element node.

    The Expression Builder is displayed. A shuttle button (Shuttle link) is displayed on the left side of the field. Save (Save link) and erase (Erase link) buttons are displayed on the right side of the field.

  2. Drag a source element node to a target element node.

    The XPath expression is added to the Expression Builder.
    Description of jet_mapper_expr3.png follows
    Description of the illustration jet_mapper_expr3.png

  3. If you want to remove the value, click Erase link, then click Save link to completely remove the mapping.

  4. Drag the source element node to the Expression Builder. You can also highlight the source element node and click Shuttle link to add a value to the Expression Builder.
    Description of jet_mapper_expr2.png follows
    Description of the illustration jet_mapper_expr2.png

  5. Click Save link to save the mapping.

Using Set Text Mode

When there is no mapping in the Expression Builder, there is an Set text mode link button. This option enables you to enter text in an element node. You can only have XPath expression or text in the Expression Builder. You cannot have both types.

  1. Highlight a target element node and click Set text mode link in the Expression Builder to enter set text mode.

  2. Enter text in the Expression Builder.

    A letter icon is added to the node. When you place your cursor over the icon, the text you entered is displayed.
    Box with letter


    If you drag a source target node into the Expression Builder while in set text mode, the mapping value is literally added as text, and not as an XPath expression.

Entering Literal Values

You can enter literal values in the Expression Builder when you are not in set text mode.

  1. Enter text in the Expression Builder.

    This creates a value-of expression in the XSTL file instead of straight text. See Edit XSLT Code in the Mapper.