Invoke Operations Page

Select the Microsoft Office 365 People operation to perform.


The Microsoft Office 365 People Adapter supports the selection of Microsoft Graph REST API operations from the Select Operation list. The Outlook Contacts REST API operations are identified as Desupported in the Select Operation list.
Operation Description

List Contacts

Returns a list of contacts from the default contacts folder of the signed-in user, or from the specified contact folder.

Get Specific Contact

Returns a specific contact from the default contacts folder of the signed-in user, or from a specified contact folder.

List All Contacts From Specific Contact Folder

Returns a list of contacts from the specified contact folder.

Create Contact

Creates a contact in the root contacts folder or in the contacts endpoint of another contact folder.

Create Contact in Specific Contact Folder

Creates a contact in the specified contact folder.

Update Contact

Changes the properties of a contact.

Delete Contact

Deletes a contact. Deleted contents might not be recoverable.

List All Contact Folders

Returns a list of contact folders for the signed-in user, or from the specified contact folder.

Get Specific Contact Folder

Returns a specific contact folder for the signed-in user, or from the specified contact folder.