Configuration for Queue or Topic Page

Select and configure the queue or topic destination name for the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter.

Element Description

Destination Name

Select the queue or topic destination name. The values available are based on whether you selected Queue or Topic on the Basic Info page.

Message Type

Select the message body type.
  • Text Message: Sends a message containing a java.lang.String. This message type transports text-based messages, including those with XML content.
  • Bytes Message: Sends a message containing a stream of uninterpreted bytes. This message type is for client encoding of existing message formats.
Durable Subscriber

(Is displayed if you selected Topic on the Basic Info page.)

This field is optional. If you are setting up a durable subscriber, a durable subscriber ID is required. A subscriber generally loses messages if it becomes disconnected. However, a durable subscriber downloads stored messages when it reconnects. This ensures that consumers receive messages that were published even when the subscribers were not running. These messages are persisted by the JMS provider and are either sent to the consumer when it becomes active again or purged from storage if the message expires.
Subscription Name

(Is displayed if you selected Topic on the Basic Info page.)

Enter the durable subscriber ID. This field is displayed if you selected Yes for Durable Subscriber.

Time to Live

(Is displayed if you selected Queue on the Basic Info page.)

Specify the time to live (the amount of time before a message expires and is no longer available for consumption).

Delivery Mode

(Is displayed if you selected Queue on the Basic Info page.)

  • Persistent: Specifies a persistent JMS publisher; that is, a publisher that stores messages for later use by a durable subscriber. A durable subscriber is a consumed message with a durable subscriber ID. A durable subscriber downloads messages that have been stored in the persistent publisher, and does not have to remain active at all times to receive all the messages.
  • Nonpersistent: A nondurable subscriber loses any messages that are produced when the adapter is not active.

Select one of the patterns of Message Selector

Select the pattern to use. After selecting a pattern, you can manually edit the value, if necessary. The pattern filters messages based on header and property information. The message selector rule is a boolean expression. If the expression is true, the message is consumed. If the expression is false, the message is rejected.

Do you want to define a schema for this endpoint?

Select whether to define a schema. This field is only applicable if you selected TextMessage as the Message Type. If you select Yes, a field is displayed for selecting a schema file.