Troubleshoot Connection Errors

Note the following errors and troubleshooting actions when using the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter.

Error Error Occurrence Scenario Verification Steps
The connection test failed. Check your connection and credential

GLOBAL] Error accessing Feature Flag Service[[
com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: PKIX path building failed: unable to find
valid certification path to requested target
When testing the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter connection on the Connections page. For the queue manager, where authentication is required and the username/password were not provided.
The connection test failed. Check your connection and use agent
from agent group.
A connector specific exception was raised by the application., Error Cause:
java.lang.Exception: Test connection failed. 
When testing the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter connection on the Connections page. Verify that the connectivity agent is up and running.
Unable to test connection "MQCON". [Cause: CASDK-0005]
CASDK-0005 : A connector specific exception was raised by the application.
Test connection failed. Please ensure you are providing correct Weblogic JMS
Admin host and port. Error Details : JMSWMQ0018: Failed to
connect to queue manager '<QUEUE_MANAGER>' with connection mode 'Client' and
host name '<MQ_HOST>(<QueueManager_Port>)'.
When testing the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter connection on the Connections page. Check the following:
  • Whether the queue manager is up
  • Whether the server connection channel used for the connection is up
  • Whether the queue manager name supplied is correct
  • Whether the server connection channel name supplied is correct
  • Whether the hostname is correct
  • Whether the port number of the queue manager is correct
  • Whether the username and password supplied are correct
The application has encountered an unexpected error.
When selecting Topic on the Basic Info page and clicking Next to go to the Configuration page in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard. Verify that you ran the following commands as the authorized mqm user (to point to the location of the MQSC file):
MQSeries_Install/bin/.runmqsc Queue_Manager ../java/bin/MQJMS_PSQ.mqsc
cd /opt/mqm/bin

For example:

 ./runmqsc QM_DEMO ../java/bin/MQJMS_PSQ.mqsc
Unable to test connection "<QUEUE_MANAGER>". [Cause: CASDK-0005]
CASDK-0005 : A connector specific exception was raised by the application.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/mq/jms/MQConnectionFactory
When testing the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter connection on the Connections page. Verify that the MQ client JAR file is present in AGENT_INSTALL_HOME/agenthome/thirdparty/lib. You can find this JAR file in the MQSeries_Install/java/lib folder.
Unable to test connection "<QUEUE_MANAGER>".  [Cause: CASDK-0005]
CASDK-0005 : A connector specific exception was raised by the application.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/ConnectionFactory
When testing the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter connection on the Connections page. Verify that the jms.jar file is present in AGENT_INSTALL_HOME/agenthome/thirdparty/lib. You can find this JAR file in the MQSeries_Install/java/lib folder.
Error while fetching JNDI destination details null Root cause of
the Exception : null
When selecting Topic or Queue on the Basic Info page and clicking Next to go to the Configuration page in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard. Verify that the connectivity agent is up and running.
Destination Name blank in View/Edit mode
When selecting Topic or Queue on the Basic Info page and clicking Next, the list of available topics or queues is blank on the Configuration page in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard. Verify that the server connection channel is up or the queue manager is up. Verify also that the connectivity agent is up.
CASDK-0005 : A connector specific exception was raised by the application.
Test connection failed. Please ensure you are providing correct Weblogic JMS Admin 
host and port. Error Details : 
When testing the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter connection on the Connection page without authentication. Verify that the message channel agent (MCA) property in the server connection channel for that queue manager has a valid value. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.