Invoke a Stored Procedure Properties

Enter the MySQL Adapter invoke stored procedure parameters. The Invoke a Stored Procedure page is the wizard page that is displayed if you selected Invoke a Stored Procedure as the operation type on the Basic Info page.


  • Stored procedures return binary large objects (for example, BLOB database data types) as base64Binary types in XML. Depending upon the use cases, these can be decoded during transformation using inbuilt functions such as decodeBase64 or can be passed as-is for downstream processing.
  • Adapter input/output parameters are defined based on the stored procedure IN/OUT parameters. The IN parameter corresponds to the request and the OUT parameter is translated as the response.
Element Description

Select Schema

Select a database schema from the list that includes the data you want to query (for example, you want to query details about an employee based on their employee ID). This action refreshes the page to display fields for selecting a package or procedure to invoke.

Select Package

Select the database package.

Select Procedure

Select the stored procedure. The page is refreshed to display the in (inbound), out (outbound), and in/out (inbound/outbound) parameters available with this procedure.


Display the in, out, and in/out parameters that are passed with this procedure.