Description for the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials screen

This image shows the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials screen.

At the top are breadcrumbs to the screen. Below is the user's name,

On the side portion is a large green circle with the letter U in it and the word Active below. Also on the side at the bottom is the menu heading Resources and these items below (Groups, API Keys, Auth Tokens, Customer Secret Keys, OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials (selected), and SMTP Credentials.

Along the top below the user name are these buttons: Edit User, Create/Reset Password, Enable Multi-Factor Authentication, Edit User Capabilities, Link Support Account, Add Tags, and Delete. The Delete button is active (and red).

Below are two tabs named User Information and Tags. The User Information tab is selected. Its upper portion shows these fields/entries: OCID: ...k5pocq (Show/Copy links), Created, Multi-factor authentication (Disabled), Email (, Resend Verification button), Federated (No), My Oracle Support account (blank).

The lower portion of the User Information tab shows a Capabilities heading and these fields/entries: Local password (Yes), API keys (Yes), Auth tokens (Yes), SMTP credentials (Yes), Customer secret keys (Yes), OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials (Yes).

The bottom portion of the screen shows the heading OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials. Below it are buttons titled Generate OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials (active) and Delete. Below is a table with Name and Number of scopes columns but no entries.