Description for Upgrade

This image shows a screen with the title bar Schedule Upgrade. To its left is a navigation pane with Settings at the top and the following links below: Logging, Data Retention, Import/Export, Storage, Schedule Upgrade, Certificates, and Integrations. Schedule Upgrade is selected.

Below the title bar is the following text.: The upgrade of this Oracle Integration instance is currently scheduled for 10 AM PST to 6 PM PST Jan 29, 2021. After this upgrade, expect faster performance, greater reliability, and our latest features. To the right is a box with a green checkmark and the status Your Upgrade is scheduled. To its right is a refresh icon.

The next section is titled How does it work? followed by this text: Each Oracle Integration instance is scheduled for upgrade. During the upgrade, a new Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance is created with the same URL, and all configuration and data are moved to the new instance. The upgrade takes several hours during which inglight instances are pasued and no users can access the instance.

The next section is titled Upgrade Window followed by this text: Your current upgrade information is shown below.

If you make changes, be sure to click Update. Questions? See the FAQ.

An Instance field shows a blurred entry. An Upgrade Window dropdown field shows 10 AM PST to 6 PM PST Jan 29, 20201. A Compartment OCID field shows ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaa followed by blurred characters and a pencil edit icon. Below is an Update button.

The next section is titled What to do next? following by steps.