Delete a Decision Model Snapshot



Deletes a decision model snapshot. Before the snapshot can be deleted, the caller should undeploy the snapshot by making a DELETE request on the corresponding tag resource /dmn/spaces/{spaceId}/decision-models/{decisionModelName}/tags/{tagName}. The tag name represents the runtime version ID of the snapshot. Otherwise, status 409 will be returned.


Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • Authorization header MUST be set to type Bearer and an access token must be provided i.e. 'Bearer '
    Default Value: Bearer XXXXX.XXXXX.XXXXX
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Supported Media Types

204 Response

No Content (Operation successful)

401 Response


403 Response

Forbidden (Expired or invalid token)

404 Response

Not Found

409 Response

Conflict (Cannot delete active version)

500 Response

Internal Server Error
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