Retrieve the Audit Diagram of a Process Instance



Retrieves the audit diagram and history of a process instance.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Gets the audit structure in list or tree format. Default is list. When the query parameter auditStructure has the value of tree, the API returns the audit structure of the process with the activity level payload in the payloadLink attribute.
    Default Value: list
  • String value ,relevant only for USER_TASKs, if present indicates the task number to be used when expanding the histor. Default empty.
  • Collection Format: multi
    Comma separated string of activities that the audit history should be filtered by. START_EVENT,USER_TASK or a combination of both are allowed options
  • When graphicFlag is set to true, gets a graphical representation of the process in png format. When graphicFlag is set to false, gets the audit history for the process.
    Default Value: true
  • boolean value , relevant only for USER_TASKs, true if future user tasks should be included in the response, false otherwise. Default behavior false.
    Default Value: false
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Supported Media Types

200 Response


500 Response

Internal Server Error
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Example: Get the Audit History of a Process with the Activity Payload

The following example gets the audit history of process with ID 70105 including the activity payload. Can be used for completed processes.

Send Request:<version>/processes/70105/audit?graphicFlag=false&auditStructure=tree 


  • is the host where Oracle Integration is running.

  • <version> is the REST API version.

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