Deploy the Latest Published Version of a Project



Returns the deployed project version


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Select deployment partition target
Body ()
The endpoints configuration
Root Schema : DeployConfig
Type: object
configuration for deploying a new revision of the project
Show Source
Nested Schema : businessParameters
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : endpointsConfig
Type: object
Nested Schema : businessParameters
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : deployedProject
Type: object

201 Response

Success. Project succesfully deployed.

401 Response


403 Response

Privileges required. User can't deploy the project

404 Response

Space/Project not found.

500 Response

Error in deploying project
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The following example shows how to deploy the latest version of the project by submitting a POST request on the REST resource.

Send Request

The following example shows the contents of the send request:<version>/spaces/<spaceId>/projects/<projectId>/snapshots/<snapshotId>/deploy?target=<targetId>


  • is the host where Oracle Integration is running.

  • <version> is the REST API version.

  • <spaceId> is the unique ID for a space. To retrieve available spaces, see Retrieve Spaces.

  • <projectId> is the unique ID for a project. To retrieve available projects, see Retrieve projects

  • <snapshotId> is the unique ID for a snapshot. To retrieve available snapshots, see Retrieve the snapshots of a given project

  • <targetId> is the deployment partition target of a project. Allowed values are ORACLEINTERNALPCS and ORACLEINTERNALPCSPLAYER.

Example of Request Header

Content-Type:  application/json

Example of Request Body

  "revisionId": "1.0",
  "overwrite": false,
  "forceDefault": false,
  "addMeToAllRoles": false,

Example of Response Header

Status Code: 200 OK
Date:  Tue, 21 Mar 2017 08:39:54 GMT
Content-Type:  application/json

Example of Response Body

  "partition": "ORACLEINTERNALPCS",
  "revisionId": "1.0",
  "RunTimeLiveInfo": {
    "state": "ON",
    "mode": "ACTIVE"
  "DesignTimeProjectReference": {
    "spaceId": "89f7e082-6855-4a75-b2a6-6a726aff7f23",
    "projectId": "myprojectdeploy",
    "snapshotId": "Snapshot"
  "RunTimeDeployInfo": {
    "deployTime": "2017-04-04,22:09:40 PDT",
    "isDefault": false
  "processDefIds": [
  "links": [
      "href": "",
      "rel": "self"
      "href": "",
      "rel": "canonical"
      "href": "",
      "rel": "parent"
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