Add Multiple Users to an Exclusion List

When configuring the Oracle CX Sales and B2B Service Adapter as a trigger connection to consume Oracle Fusion Applications events, the Request page provides a field for specifying an event condition filter expression. This example describes how to create a filter expression that adds multiple users to an exclusion list through use of or and contains conditions.

When building this type of expression, ensure that you add parentheses around the content for both contains conditions:
(contains content) or (contains content)
For example:
<xpathExpr xmlns:ns_1='' 
xmlns:ns_0='' xmlns:ns_5=''>
not(contains($eventPayload/ns_1:result/ns_0:Value/ns_5:LastUpdatedBy,'NO_EHF') or (contains($eventPayload/ns_1:result/ns_0:Value/ns_5:LastUpdatedBy,'_MIGR')))

Before an XPath expression is validated, spaces are removed. Without the parentheses, the expression is invalid. For example, or contains without the parenthesis becomes orcontains.