Trigger Objects and Methods Page

Enter the SAP Adapter trigger object and method property values for your integration.

When the Objects and Methods page is displayed, you can choose which of the following categories to use:

  • Business Objects (BAPIs): The Business Application Programming Interface is the standard SAP interface. BAPIs allow integration at the business level rather than the technical level. This provides for greater linkage stability and independence from the underlying communication technology.

  • Function Modules (RFCs): RFC allows for remote calls between two SAP systems (R/3 or R/2) or between an SAP system and a non-SAP system.

  • ALE/EDI Messages (IDOCs): Intermediate Document is a standard data structure for electronic data interchange (EDI) between application programs written for the popular SAP business system or between an SAP application and an external program.

Depending on which category you choose, you are asked to select objects or methods. After you choose objects or methods, click the Processing Options link to change runtime behavior.


It is recommended that you use a unique program ID in each integration/project for proper functioning.

Business Objects (BAPIs)

The following table describes the page you see if you select Business Objects (BAPIs).

Element Description

Processing Options

Program ID. Enter a case-sensitive program identifier specified on the SAP gateway server. The program ID is a unique identifier for your communication session specified by your system administrator. The value entered in this field must match the one exposed on the gateway. For the gateway service property, enter the service name.

Application Components

Expose a hierarchy of components such as sales, finance and HR.

Select Functional Area

Select a functional area, such as Sales and Distribution.

Choose Objects to Filter BAPI Methods

Select an object to see the BAPI methods available in it. You are shown the list of available objects based on the functional area you selected above.


Select an object, such as Sales Order.


Select a method, such as CreateFromData.

Function Modules (RFCs)

The following table describes the page you see if you select Function Modules (RFCs).

Element Description

Processing Options

Program ID. Enter a case-sensitive program identifier specified on the SAP gateway server. The program ID is a unique identifier for your communication session specified by your system administrator. The value entered in this field must match the one exposed on the gateway. For the gateway service property, enter the service name.

Select Functional Area

Select a functional area that is available in the selected RFC category to filter the RFC method list. If you select a functional area, the RFC method list and the Groups UI list are updated.


Select a method, such as CreateFromData.

ALE/EDI Messages (IDOCs)

The following table describes the page you see if you select ALE/EDI Messages (IDOCs).

Element Description

Processing Options

There are the following processing options for IDOCs: AutoSYSTAT01, EncodeIDOC, ControlCharacter and ProgramID.

  • AutoSYSTAT01

    • Yes: The adapter sends a SYSTAT01 message upon a successful reception of an IDOC message.

    • No: Nothing is sent back to SAP by the adapter upon successful reception of an IDOC message.

  • EncodeIDOC

    • Flatfile: SAP uses a non-XML text-based format called the Flatfile IDOC format for serializing IDOC messages to the file system. In a Flatfile IDOC, all IDOC records, including the control record and the data record, are stored in lines of text separated by a line delimiter.

    • No: SAP uses the XML format to send field names and complete data to IDOC records.

  • ControlCharacter

    This property dictates how the adapter deals with characters in the payload that are not supported by the XML 1.0 standard.

    • Remove: The adapter removes the character from the payload.

    • Space: The adapter replaces the character with a space.

    • Encode: The adapter encodes the character into its decimal format.

  • Program ID

    Enter a case-sensitive program identifier specified on the SAP gateway server. The program ID is a unique identifier for your communication session specified by your system administrator. The value entered in this field must match the one exposed on the gateway. For the Gateway Service property, enter the service name.

    Note: The program ID provided at design time overrides the Program ID provided inside the properties file.


Select a group of methods such as matmas, rather than an individual method..


Select an individual method, such as matmas01.