Description for the Filtering Page

This image shows the page for filtering messages. At the top is a Queues hamburger menu, a New button, a Go to list in which State is selected, a Search field, three back arrows, a field listing the range of messages on the searched page, and three forward arrows. Below this are a filter icon and the label All > Created on Today. Below this are table columns represented by a gear icon, a search icon, a Created hamburger menu, an Agent hamburger menu, a Topic hamburger menu, a Name hamburger menu, a Source hamburger menu, a Queue hamburger menu, a State hamburger menu, and a Processed hamburger menu. Below this are corresponding Search fields for each of the hamburger menus. A value of error is displayed in the Search field for the State hamburger menu. Below this are the corresponding search results for each of the columns. The Created column shows the date, the Agent column shows SOAPClient, the Topic column shows https://, the Name column shows businessEvent, the Queue column shows input, the State column shows error, and the Processed column shows empty.