Errors When the Salesforce Endpoint is Configured as a Trigger

Note the following errors that can occur when the Salesforce endpoint is configured as a trigger.

  • The following error occurs when you enter the endpoint URL with ?wsdl in the outbound message for the Salesforce Adapter in the Salesforce application.

    org.xml.sax.SAXException: Bad envelope tag: definitions

    Solution: Remove ?wsdl from the endpoint URL.

  • The following error occurs when the endpoint URL updated in the Salesforce application mismatches with the configured Salesforce connection. For example, a Salesforce connection in Oracle Integration is configured with the sandbox account details. However, the endpoint URL (in the Salesforce application) is updated from the production account.

     org.xml.sax.SAXException: Bad envelope tag: HTML  

    Solution: Update the endpoint URL that you configured for the Salesforce connection in Oracle Integration in the outbound message panel of the Salesforce application.