Description for the Format Definition Page

This image shows the Format Definition page. On the left is a navigation pane, which shows from top to bottom the Basic Info, Configure Operation, Schema Options, Format Definition, and Summary tabs. On the right is the label Create a New Schema from a CSV file. Below this is the Select a New Delimited Data File field. The Choose File button appears to the right. The message No file chosen is displayed. Below this is the Selected File Name field. A value of result.csv is displayed. Below this is the Enter the Record Name field. A value of Record is displayed. Below this is the Enter the Recordset Name field. A value of recordset is displayed. Below this is the Select the Field Delimiter list. A value of Comma (,) is displayed. Below this is the Character Set list. A value of ASCII is displayed. Below this is the Optionally Enclosed By list. A value of single quotes is displayed. Below this are the Detach button, Use First Row as Column Headers checkbox (selected), and Mark All As Optional checkbox (not selected). Below this is a four-column table with columns for id, Success, Created, and Error. String and mandatory values are displayed in each of the columns.