Salesforce Adapter Capabilities

The Salesforce Adapter enables you to create an integration with Salesforce CRM applications.

The Salesforce Adapter provides the following benefits:
  • Enables simplified bidirectional integration with
  • Discovers business objects and operations and provides easy mapping to and from business objects.

  • Provides ease of use in the mapper by recommending the most frequently-used business objects and renders human readable names for the elements found in Salesforce business objects for easy mapping.
  • Provides support for performing the following type of operations against business objects fetched from the Salesforce application:

    • Bulk Create, Update, Upsert, Delete, and so on operations on all of the business objects supported by Salesforce

    • Core (Convertlead, GetDeleted, GetUpdated, Process, Merge, Undelete, and Upsert)
    • CRUD (create, delete, retrieve, and update) operations
    • Declaratively defining and executing SOQL and SOSL queries
    • Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) search operation
    • Utility (GetUserInfo, GetServerTimestamp, and SendEmail) operations

    See Process Large Data Sets Asynchronously with Different Bulk Operations and Use Bulk Response Operations in an Integration.

  • Supports all custom objects defined by the user and custom fields created at along with the standard objects and fields.
  • Supports consuming custom Apex classes developed and exposed as SOAP services in

  • Supports receiving notifications (events) sent with outbound messaging and the Streaming API (that is, platform events and change data capture events) from

  • Supports trigger (source) callbacks.

  • Supports Salesforce APIs protected using OAuth two-legged and three-legged token-based authentication and user name token-based authentication.