Invoke Operations Page

Select the object and operation to perform in the Salesforce Commerce Cloud application.

Element Description
Select object type
  • Standard objects: Displays business objects delivered as part of the Salesforce Commerce Cloud application.
  • Custom objects: Provides an option to search custom objects you created and shows the custom objects accordingly.

The fields that appear are based on the object type you select. If you select Standard objects, the following options are displayed.

Element Description
Select operation type (Displayed if the Query action is selected on the Action page)
  • Retrieve/GET: Retrieves records from the Salesforce Commerce Cloud application.
  • Query/Search: Returns records from the Salesforce Commerce Cloud application.
Select object Use the scrolling list to select an object within the selected action.
Filter by object name Type the initial letters of the object name to filter the display of names in the list.
Select operation Select an operation name, such as Put User By ID.
Filter by operation name Type the initial letters of the operation name to filter the display of names in the list.
Click to Configure Query (Displayed if the Query/Search option is selected) Click to configure the query against the Salesforce Commerce Cloud application.

The following options are displayed when you click the Configure Query button.

Element Description
Enter your query Enter a valid query statement. You can add binding parameters in a query to pass dynamic values at runtime. Add the binding parameters in the allowed positions (that is, values and search_phrase) in the statement. Add the ampersand symbol (&) to a variable value to make it a binding parameter (for example, &cat). These parameters are displayed in the request mapper for mapping.
Execute Query Click to validate the query against the Salesforce Commerce Cloud application.
Binding parameters Displays bind variables included in the query.
Batch size Specifies the batch size for queries. The batch size determines the maximum number of records returned for each query. The default value is 200, the minimum allowed size is 2, and the maximum is 200.
Query result Displays query results.

If you select Custom objects, the following options are displayed.

Element Description
Select operation type (Displayed if the Query action is selected on the Action page) Retrieve/GET: Retrieves records from the Salesforce Commerce Cloud application.
Enter custom object type Enter a custom object type.