4 Activate and Run the Recipe

After you've configured the connections and other resources, you can activate and run the recipe.

  1. In the Configuration Editor, click Activate in the title bar. In the Activate Package dialog, click Activate again.

    A message confirms that the integration has been activated. Refresh the page to view the updated status of the integration.

  2. Run the recipe.

    To run the recipe, you must create an account in Salesforce.

    1. Log in to your Salesforce instance.
    2. On the Salesforce Setup page, click the Accounts tab.
    3. On the Accounts Home page, click New.
    4. On the New Account page, enter the account details, such as name, description, and so on. Click Save.

    You’ve now created an account record in Salesforce and triggered the recipe.

  3. Monitor the running of the integration flow in Oracle Integration.
    1. In the Configuration Editor, select either of the two integration flows.
    2. Click Run Run icon, then click Track Instances.

      On the Track Instances page, observe the integration flow of the recipe being triggered and running successfully. The recipe now creates a corresponding company in ServiceNow for the new account created in Salesforce.

  4. Log in to your ServiceNow instance and check if a new company has been created.
    1. In the left navigation pane, under Organization, click Companies.
    2. On the Companies page, search for the newly created company.
    3. Click the company record’s name to view details. Check if the newly created company’s data matches with the Salesforce account that you created earlier.