Invoke Callback Operation Page

Enter the callback response operation details for the SOAP Adapter. This page is also visible for the normal invokes (Do you want to configure this as a callback invoke is set to No on the Basic Info Page) case in which the one-way operation was selected on the Operations Page.

Element Description

No Response

Select if a no callback response is expected.

Delayed Response

Select if a delayed callback response is expected.

Select the Port Type

Select the port type to use for the asynchronous callback response.

Selected Callback Operation

View the callback operation associated with the selected port type. In the case of multiple operations, Select the operation.

Flow Identifier

Specify the name of the callback integration. (that is, to be used in the request integration). The identifier value must be the same as the callback integration flow identifier seen in Oracle Integration integrations.

Flow Version

Specify the version number of the callback integration. The version value must be the same as the callback integration flow version seen in Oracle Integration integrations.