SOAP Endpoint Invocation Fails with OSB-380001: mustUnderstand Error

If SOAP endpoint invocation fails in an integration with the following OSB-380001 - mustUnderstand fault, there are several possible solutions.

<fault xmlns="">
<reason>Fault received on invocation of target : https://host:port/endpoint
<![CDATA[ Fault Code : codeNS:MustUnderstand Fault String : Unprocessed 
'mustUnderstand' header element:
Security ]]> </reason>
  • If the SOAP Adapter connection was created with a static WSDL file or dynamic WSDL URL (valid URL), but the connection fails at runtime with the following error/fault message pointing to an unexpected host/port or endpoint URL, ensure that the WSDL has the correct service endpoint URL.
    <service name="PrecisionService">
       <port binding="tns:PrecisionServiceBinding" name="PrecisionPort">
  • If the WSDL has incorrect endpoint information as seen in the fault message, fix the WSDL service port to resolve the issue.