Synchronize Oracle Service Cloud Incidents with Oracle CPQ Transactions

Synchronize Oracle Service Cloud Incidents with Oracle CPQ Transactions

Use this recipe to synchronize Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) incidents with Oracle Configure, Price, and Quote Cloud (Oracle CPQ) transactions.

Note: This recipe is available as Oracle Service Cloud — Oracle CPQ | Sync Incidents and Transactions in the Integration Store. Oracle provides this recipe as a sample only. The recipe is meant only for guidance, and is not warranted to be error-free. No support is provided for this recipe.


This recipe synchronizes Oracle Service Cloud incidents with Oracle CPQ transactions. To use the recipe, you must install the recipe package and configure connections and other resources within the package. Subsequently, you can activate the integration flows of the package. The recipe contains three integration flows.

When an incident is created in Oracle Service Cloud, the first integration is triggered and it creates a corresponding transaction with required information such as customer details and service agent details in Oracle CPQ. This in turn triggers the second integration that updates the Oracle Service Cloud incident with the transaction Id of the corresponding transaction that was created in Oracle CPQ. When the incident is updated with the transaction Id and the service agent changes the status of the incident to Solved in Oracle Service Cloud, it triggers the third integration which changes the corresponding transaction status to Canceled in Oracle CPQ.

System and Access Requirements

Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Oracle Service Cloud and Oracle CPQ instances in order to successfully connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and synchronize Oracle Service Cloud incidents with Oracle CPQ Cloud transactions.

Configure Oracle Service Cloud

To access Oracle Service Cloud using Oracle Integration and ensure that Oracle Service Cloud incidents and Oracle CPQ transactions are synchorinized, you must perform certain configuration tasks in your Oracle Service Cloud instance.

Log in to your Oracle Service Cloud instance as an Administrator and execute the following tasks.

  1. Complete the prequisite tasks for creating a connection between Oracle Service Cloud and Oracle Integration. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.

  2. Add or edit an incident custom field.

    1. In the navigation pane, click Configuration.

    2. Expand Database, and double-click Custom Fields.

    3. To create a new incident custom field, click Incidents in Custom Fields, and then click New.

    4. Alternatively, to edit a specific incident custom field, click it in the tree.

    5. In the Name field, enter the name of the custom field. For example, CPQTransaction.

    6. Click Data Type and select the data type for the field.

  3. Add the incident custom field to the Incident page.

    1. In the navigation pane, click Configuration.

    2. Expand Application Appearance, and double-click Incident workspace.

    3. In the Insert Field section, select the incident custom field that you created/edited in step 2, and drag it to the Incident workspace.

    4. Click Save.

  4. Add fields to a custom object.

    1. In the navigation pane, click Configuration.

    2. Expand Service, and double-click Object Designer.

    3. Select a package to which you want to add the custom object, or create a new package for the object by clicking New and selecting Package. Enter a name for the package.

    4. Click Fields and then click Add New Field to add a customized field to the custom object.

      For example, you can add the following custom fields:

      Field Type
      title text
      office_phone text
      mobile text
      email text
    5. Click Deploy.

  5. Store values to the custom fields.

    1. In the navigation pane, click Configuration.

    2. Expand Staff Management, select and double-click Staff Accounts by Profile.

    3. Choose an agent from the list. Double-click the agent who will be responsible for creating incidents for customers.

    4. Click Custom Fields, and enter values for the custom fields (title, office_phone, mobile, and email) that you created.

    5. Click Save.

  6. Add products to Oracle Service Cloud in order to ensure that those products are available in Oracle CPQ.

    1. In the navigation pane, click Configuration.

    2. Expand Service and double-click Products, then Categories, and then Dispositions.

    3. To add products, click New and then select Sibling or Child.

    4. Enter the name of the product. Note that the product name must be a combination of part number and name of the product. For example, AS09743-ExampleProduct

    5. Set Visibility to Admins and click Save.

Configure Oracle CPQ

To access Oracle CPQ using Oracle Integration you must perform certain configuration tasks in your Oracle CPQ instance.

Log in to your Oracle CPQ instance as an Administrator and execute the following tasks.

  1. Create a user account for Oracle Integration with the Web Services Only permission.

    1. On the Oracle CPQ home page, click Admin Drawer on the title bar.

    2. In the Admin navigation pane, expand Users and click Internal Users.
      The User Administration List page appears.

    3. Add the user from the User Administration List page.

      For details, see Setting Up Users.

  2. Obtain the REST Catalog URL. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.

Install and Configure the Recipe

On your Oracle Integration instance, install the recipe package to deploy and configure the integration and associated resources.

  1. On the Oracle Integration home page, scroll to the Accelerators & Recipes section.

  2. Click Search All.

  3. Find the recipe package that you want to install.

  4. Select the package, and then click the Install Install icon icon.

  5. After the package is installed, click the Configure Configure icon icon on the recipe card to configure the resources deployed by the package.

    The Configuration Editor page opens, displaying all the resources of the recipe package. Configure the following resources before you activate and run the recipe.

Configure the Oracle Service Cloud Connection

  1. On the Configuration Editor page, select Oracle Service Cloud Connection, then click Edit Edit icon.
    The connection configuration page appears.

  2. In the Connection Properties section, specify the WSDL to use. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.

  3. In the Security section, enter the username and password that you obtained. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.
    Note that only the Username Password Token security policy is supported.

  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save for a second time.

  5. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.
    A confirmation message is displayed if your test is successful.

  6. Click Back Back icon to return to the Configuration Editor page. Click Save again if prompted.

Configure the Oracle CPQ Connection

  1. On the Configuration Editor page, select Oracle CPQ Connection, then click Edit Edit icon.
    The connection configuration page appears.

  2. In the Connection Properties section, enter the following details.

    Field Information to Enter
    Connection Type Select REST Catalog URL. See Configure Oracle CPQ.
    Connection URL Enter the instance URL of Oracle CPQ.
  3. In the Security section, enter the following details.

    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select Username Password Token.
    Username Enter the username of the account created for Oracle Integration in Oracle CPQ. See Configure Oracle CPQ.
    Password Enter the password of the account created for Oracle Integration in Oracle CPQ.
  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save for a second time.

  5. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.
    A confirmation message is displayed if your test is successful.

  6. Click Back Back icon to return to the Configuration Editor page. Click Save again if prompted.

Update Integration Property

You have to update the integration property value so that Oracle CPQ quote approval notification messages are sent to the right Slack channel.

  1. On the Configuration Editor page, select the Oracle CPQ Slack Quote Approval integration.

  2. Click Actions and then click Update Property Values.

  3. In the Update Property Values dialog, click pricebookname.

  4. In the New Value field, enter the name of the pricebook. For example, default_price_book

  5. Click Submit.
    You get a confirmation message that the integration property has been updated successfully.

Activate and Run the Recipe

After you’ve configured the connections and integration property, activate the recipe package.

  1. On the Configuration Editor page, click Activate in the title bar. In the Activate Package dialog, click Activate again.
    A confirmation message is displayed informing that the integration has been submitted for activation. Refresh the page to view the updated status of the integration.

  2. Run the recipe.

    1. Log in to the Oracle Service Cloud instance.

    2. As the Service agent create an incident with customer details.
      You have now successfully triggered the recipe.

    3. Refresh the Service Cloud incident and check if it got updated with the Transaction Id.

    4. If the incident got updated with the transaction Id, change the status of the Service Cloud incident to Solved. From the drop-down list of the incident’s Status field, select Solved.

  3. Monitor the execution of the integration flows in Oracle Integration.

    1. In the Oracle Integration home page, click Monitoring, then Integrations, and then Tracking.

    2. On the Track Instances page, you’ll see the integration flow of the recipe being triggered and executing successfully.

      The recipe now cancels the corresponding transaction in Oracle CPQ.

  4. Check if the corresponding transaction is canceled in Oracle CPQ.

    1. Log in to the Oracle CPQ instance.

    2. Navigate to the transaction that was created corresponding to the Service Cloud incident.

    3. Check if the status of the transaction is Canceled.

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