4 Activate and Run the Recipe

After you’ve configured the connections and other resources, activate the recipe package and run it.

  1. In the Configuration Editor, click Activate in the title bar. In the Activate Package dialog, click Activate again.
    A message confirms that the integration has been activated. Refresh the page to view the updated status of the integration.
  2. Run the recipe.
    1. Export a customer segment from Oracle Unity to an FTP server.
      1. On the Configuration Editor page, select the Oracle Unity FTP MasterCustomer Export integration flow.
      2. Click Run Run icon, then click Submit Now.
      3. In the dialog that appears, click Confirm.
      4. Click Submit on the Schedule Parameters page.
      The integration gets triggered, and the customer segment records are exported to the FTP server.


      You can also schedule this integration to run at a date, time, and frequency of your choosing. See Define the Integration Schedule.

    2. Import a customer segment from the FTP server to Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
      1. On the Configuration Editor page, select the Oracle FTP SFMC DataExtension Import integration flow.
      2. Click Run Run icon, then click Submit Now.
      3. In the dialog that appears, click Confirm.
        The Schedule Parameters page is displayed which includes the following parameters:
        • continueInstance: This parameter stores the flag to identify a new instance. Y indicates continued process from previous instance. N indicates a new instance and is the default value.
        • InstanceNo: This parameter stores the count of the running instance. The default value is 1.
        • triggerTimeStamp: This parameter stores the created time stamp of the trigger file that started the instance.
      4. Click Submit on the Schedule Parameters page.
      The integration gets triggered, and the customer segment data is imported to Salesforce Marketing Cloud data extension.


      You can also schedule this integration to run at a date, time, and frequency of your choosing. See Define the Integration Schedule.

    3. Run the Oracle SFMC Automation Setup integration flow to create the initial customization required in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. This is a one-time setup that configures the automation that queries and stores campaign results in a data extension.
      1. On the Configuration Editor page, select the integration and click Run Run icon, then click Test.

        The page to test the integration with a sample file is displayed.

      2. In the Request section of the test page, on the Body tab, provide the following parameters:
        Name Description Example
        customerDataExtensionName Stores the name of the data extension to which customer segments are imported from Oracle Unity to Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Unity_MasterCustomer_DE

        Stores the external key of the automation created in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

        automationName Stores the name of the automation created in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Unity_CampaignResults_Automation
        resultsDataExtensionKey Stores the external key of the data extension with the campaign result events in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Unity_CampaignResults_DE
        resultsDataExtensionName Stores the name of the data extension with the campaign result events in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Unity_CampaignResults_D
        automationScheduleStartDateTime Stores the DateTimeStamp when the automation schedule starts in CST Time Zone. YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00
        automationScheduleOccurances Stores the number of occurrences of the automation schedule runs.


        The automation runs on a daily schedule.
        automationScheduleInterval Stores the number of days interval between two occurrences of the scheduled run. 1
      3. Click Test.
    4. Synchronize campaign results data from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Oracle Unity.
      1. On the Configuration Editor page, select the Oracle SFMC Unity CampaignResults Import integration flow.
      2. Click Run Run icon, then click Submit Now.
      3. In the dialog that appears, click Confirm.
        The Schedule Parameters page is displayed which includes the following parameters:
        • continueInstance: This parameter stores the flag to identify a new instance. Y indicates continued process from previous instance. N indicates a new instance and is the default value.
        • InstanceNo: This parameter stores the count of the running instance. The default value is 1.
        • continueRequestId: This parameter stores the Request ID of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud request which needs to be continued in upcoming instances.
      4. Click Submit on the Schedule Parameters page.

        The integration gets triggered, and the email campaign results are imported to Oracle Unity.


        You can also schedule this integration to run at a date, time, and frequency of your choosing. See Define the Integration Schedule.

  3. Monitor the running of the integration flow in Oracle Integration.
    1. On the Configuration Editor page, select an integration flow.
    2. Click Run Run icon, then click Track Instances.
    3. On the Track Instances page, observe the integration flow of the recipe being triggered and running successfully.
  4. Log in to Oracle Unity and check for the new campaign results imported.