Workflow to Create and Add a Trello Adapter Connection to an Integration

Follow a workflow to create a connection with an adapter and include the connection in an integration in Oracle Integration.

Step Description More Information


Create a Trello user account and obtain an API key (client ID) and secret key (client secret).

Prerequisites for Creating a Connection


Create the adapter connections for the applications you want to integrate. The connections can be reused in multiple integrations and are typically created by the administrator.

Create a Trello Adapter Connection


Create the integration. When you do this, you add source and target connections to the integration.

Add the Trello Adapter Connection to an Integration and Create Integrations in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration Generation 2


Map data between the source connection data structure and the target connection data structure.

Map Data in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration Generation 2


(Optional) Create lookups that map the different values used by those applications to identify the same type of object (such as gender codes or country codes).

Manage Lookups in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration Generation 2


Activate the integration.

Manage Integrations in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration Generation 2


Monitor the integration on the dashboard.

Monitor Integrations in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration Generation 2


Track payload fields in messages during runtime.

Assign Business Identifiers for Tracking Fields in Messages and Manage Business Identifiers for Tracking Fields in Messages in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration Generation 2


Manage errors at the integration level, connection level, or specific integration instance level.

Manage Errors in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration Generation 2